The Seething thread

He really is. The smartest guy in any room he is in syndrome.

dont forget the napoleon syndrome as well

they did shaft him though.

there was a litany of things he couldve gone for before that, so no harm, no foul

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The Indo

It’s senior hurling now

The “Gerry Adams ate my hamster” school of journalism is alive and well. Thugh Judging by the polls Joe Public isn’t swallowing it any more


Where’s their questioning of FG’s attempt to massage the homeless numbers by murdering them with JCB’s.

Jim hasn’t taken this well so he hasn’t

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Unless it was a pub attached to a hotel and they were all residents there :popcorn:

Waterford skangers paying for a hotel room in Waterford?

Who mentioned anything about paying?

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Private function perhaps…

Ah Guard, a pint or a transfer?

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Wont someone think of the children.

No wonder the Brits has the Ra ran thru with informers. The crayturs couldn’t help themselves.