The Seething thread

leo is incandescent with the rage

I see one wag online saying isn’t it very kind of the Indo not to have that article behind their paywall.


That’s hilarious
 They have health warnings for the virus behind a paywall
 Stuff that the public needs to know
 But SF bashing remains free to air.

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**[quote=“artfoley, post:2482, topic:14945, full:true”]
leo is incandescent with the rage


They’ll be up from 35% to 37 after that little rant by him

If there was ever a reason not to buy that paper this is it. Shocking that that’s what our citizenry have to put up with.

They obviously believe SF is a bigger more dangerous virus.

Fg are handling this very badly. Every time Leo comes out with these little outbursts, he just notches up the sf support by another couple of points


He is SF’s inside man in FG. He is going to destroy them. :slight_smile:


Yep got it bang on


He’s the greatest prick to come out of Cork,even way behind MM or Simon " The Fawning Fishmonger"

Will you stop ffs, I never heard a bad word said about him, popular with customers and staff

But he had a laugh with the Queen of England and he’s the biggest prick in Cork


Quite the accolade.


You wish


Still is,the fawning bollox, anything for money

Says the expert

Him and the other crawling plastic paddies sicken my shite, turning out in droves yo meet n greet those whures

He disrespects these two men every time he sells a cod
 The man has no sole.

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