The Seething thread

Greta Who?

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Marcus rashford is the new kid in town, the darling of social media


He’s obviously grown as a person since he was giving lip to the tea lady at old Trafford (@flattythehurdler)

Poor young saoirse is seething

Who is she? What’s the issue with her post? What’s your point exactly?

Oh wait, it’s just another young female who dared to voice an opinion so Art has to jump in to take her down a peg or two. Typical.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


She hates the Apple decision. Her day and possibly weekend is ruined I imagine.

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How do you not know who Saoirse is?? If she was male you’d know alright :roll_eyes:

Poor ould emascagusban. Thinks he’s swinging in to save the poor females.

Saoirse is a green party election candidate. I would’ve thought you of all people would have known who she is.

She’s seething because she failed (again) to get elected.

A woman “failed to get elected”, Art delighted, naturally. Good opportunity to put the boot in while she’s down. How dare she express an opinion, she “failed to get elected”, the uppity woman.

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You forgot to CC your backup.

You’ll find over the years I’ve rejoiced in men and women failing to be elected. I’m about a meritocracy rather than relying on misandry as you do



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You’re consistent at least. You never miss an opportunity to take a younger woman down a notch if they dare to express an opinion in public.


Is it ever ok to disagree with a woman’s opinion in public? And seeing as the whole of Ireland is ripping the piss out of FF for attacking each other in public, do you not think it would be better for Saoirse to work within the party to change things rather than pissing on the government from Twitter?

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Sure it is. The difference with Art is he makes sure to do it all the time. Damn uppity women.

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Poor old cuck glad is too blind to see that he’s guilty of unconscious bias in thinking that the poor “uppity women” are so frail and unable to defend themselves that he has to White Knight all the time

He’s the biggest mysogynist on here

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Art is seething.

I reckon I’ve cracked this Art. All this outrage is really only about getting the likes on Twitter

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It’s not doing her much good with the voters anyway


Is Saoirse saying we have adequate healthcare and adequate taxation & adequate environment action ?

BLM protestors in Dallas. This will drive Soy Boy and his merry band of simps demented.