The Seething thread

I’m after an absolute cunt of a day lads and I’m still boiling here. Not going into it now. Just sayin is all


Don’t go all Davy Fitz on us!!!

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I wont so I wont

Sorry to hear this. HSE?

Lay it all on the table mike. We’re here for you.


God no its worse. Work related. I have to get hr (or as I call them the military police) involved next week and I fucking hate the hr gang with a passion. They’re worse then the dhs when they smell blood.


HR are the arts and craft department of any business

No metrics need apply.

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Why are you taking it personally mike? The lad screwed up hes an adult. It’s not on you.

Person in car a lot angry

Person on bike. Zen

Go figure


Most Lads on bikes are weirdo deviants who use a Go Pro to video people. If your average pedestrian did that he’d be locked up.


Why do we see so many angry cyclist videos so?


We need to be able to snitch mate. I think I’d like to get 20k worth of fines in the 1st year once it’s brought in

You planet killing cunt

Near death experiences irk

Well put it this way. I have to put aside about 3 hours over the weekend to waft through a shit load of breadcrumb reports. On top of this I let two separate incidents slide over the last six weeks kn the firm belief that a firm bollocking would sort ut out only to find I may as well have fucked the dog here beside me out of it and got a better result.
Even worse the said individual is now on two weeks holiday in which case I have now got to do a full audit in all his stores and look for feed back from store managers. On the plus side I’ll get a couple of decent overnights out of it


Go Pro. Ironic for a LOL supporter. Go Amateur.

Naby lad.

No grass cutting tomorrow old sport

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No kid afraid not

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I’m a football fan mate

A litany of poor management. He was fucking laughing at you after you talking to him. You need to come down hard as hell on this forklift cunt asap. Apologies @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


The LOI should be happy with the 200 attendance limit. Bugger hate receipts to be expected