The Seething thread

Nah, theyā€™ve blocked enough of our gate that we canā€™t get in.
He was a cranky old man, dying of cancer at the time and couldnā€™t get a spot for all the cars parked without tickets, isnā€™t there free parking all over that road by scotts?

Donā€™t know mate. Iā€™ve got a driveway so it doesnā€™t concern me

Posh cunt.

What would be your thoughts on some 18 year old in a two year old car blocking enough of that drive that you couldnā€™t get in?

The elites of SCR can keep the riff raff out

The same as your dying neighbour mate

Gas the way the lads bitch and moan about spending a few cent on a parking disc. Imagine going out of your way for the sake of a few auld cent. Real peasant carry on.

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I fucking love a good work to rule.Christ but when I started in my current job we drove many a high grade manager over the edge with that method of education.
One lad in particular used to get weepy after a few days of work piling up and we all sniggering at him as we couldnā€™t work because of lack of stationary and such silliness, he took an early retirement deal and still doesnā€™t speak to me.
Fond, fond memories.

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Heā€™s texting Matt Cooper now to vent his hatred. The guyā€™s a lunatic.

What kind of gimps still use parking discs? Park magic app allow you to park anywhere in Limerick in 1/2 hour slots, and will send you a text ten minutes before itā€™s expired giving you the option to extend it. Fuck sake lads.


The last 100 posts should be in the Roasters thread. Iā€™m seething here.


The app is a great job.

@ChocolateMice is seething that I said heā€™s been acting the cunt on the Celebrity Deaths 2017 thread.

Thereā€™s only one person seething on this forum this morning and thatā€™s you and @Juhniallio ā€“ Iā€™ve right good pep in my step these days, so I does.

I just asked why you like to be a cunt on a thread. I hardly think that can be deemed as seething.

Unlike this:

Thatā€™s a perfectly normal post by me, you stupid fucktard.

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Tfk ahead of the curve on Limerick matters yet again

Two people.


Fuck upā€¦

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They are clean/clane useless. Youā€™d have to be fierce unlucky to get a ticket. The amount of double parking/parking on double yellows that goes on is unbelievable. Constantly cars abandoned on Oā€™Connell Street, Henry street and all the streets in between. Youā€™d rarely if ever get to drive up Oā€™Connell street without having to move out of your lane to avoid a car double parked. Savage annoying when traffic is bad. The worst parking of all is outside the Garda station on Henry street, presumably the guards themselves, always on 3 or 4 cars on double yellows at the corner there.
I believe as you said above the council go easy on motorists as they donā€™t want to completely shut down retail in the city, and itā€™s actually their policy to be lenient.
I recently witnessed a lad pull into a loading zone and park up in front of the warden. Warden says ā€œsorry this is a loading zoneā€ and your man says ā€œitā€™s grand sure Iā€™m just grabbing a coffeeā€ and walks off, as did the warden. Theyā€™d have your clamped in Dublin if you even thought about it. #thatdidhappen
I was somewhere in Tipp a few months back, (canā€™t remember where maybe Cahir) and went into the shop to get a parking disc. Oh your grand she says heā€™s on holidays this week. :grinning: