The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Agree. But there should be a significant police presence there. It’s not as if they weren’t expecting people to be going out.


2 cops on the beat wouldn’t have mattered a flying fuck to those scrotes.

They would have back before camera phones.

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I dunno would they flatty - I know an ex guard that was stationed in Cobh, he used to wait 30 minutes before going out to a row on a Saturday night, sure why would I go out when they’re all angry and riled up he says, let them bate the shit out of each other first

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Matty O Sullivan in moycullen and one other like-minded garda would have had them lads pronto.

have you seen any Guards lately? Jesus some of them wouldn’t bate eggs

The Irish can’t handle their drink.

I know. Matty was a big unit. I was only a lad but I remember him as a big solid man. Lovely man, but not to be trifled with

You’d be wanting danger money to work in the city centre with those little fuckers knocking around.

Every cunt thinks they are a UFC fighter these days


The small fella badly needed the handle of a mixer across the side of the head.


Did he even connect with any of them?

That’s why I said “significant”

A lot of other cities in the UK have done well in clearing out the city centres of gangs of feral scrotes and keeping them confined to the suburbs. They seem to be running wild, Mad Max style, in Dublin city centre. Can’t be many other major European cities where you can sense a bit of sulpher in the air around the city centre like Dublin. And not just at night either but all day.

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Housing a load of scum in the city centre doesn’t help I’d say.

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Exactly this. Bet those little fuckers live a stones throw away from the area.

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Ya they should knock those flats and rehouse the families in purpose built estates in the suburbs. Has worked well in the past.


Having a world famous MMA fighter who got rich from acting like a yob who did whatever he wanted, from a few miles up the road and who was idolized by the likes these youngfellas was always going to manifest itself in ways like this.


Drink? How quaint and twee.


Send them to Athy.

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