The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Manchester did it to a remarkable degree using CCTV which, as I understand it, bizarrely is controlled by a charity who are able to identify the trouble makers, and often follow them home via CCTV. Manchester’s big worry is lads from the likes of Ashton and Oldham.

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Wouldn’t be allowed here. We’d be too worried about breaching their constitutional rights

You’d see more pushing and shoving outside second mass of a Sunday.


You’re man could have done untold damage to one of the scrotes if one of those kicks at the start had connected

You do live on the northside I guess


I don’t see what Conor McGregor has to do with these bunch of scum? Or how he has “influenced” them to do what they do. They were around well before him as well.

I wrongly thought it was a Brazilian waiter involved. Was a young fella from Galway, Feely, who threw the roundhouse kick Im told. 20 year old. Fair dues to him

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You’d fear the cunts will be waiting for him some night when he finishes work

I patently watched until the end hoping he’d lay out 3 or 4 of the cunts


There were violent feral youths in our cities long before CMG became a “star”

The didn’t wear three piece suits and walk like a cunt.

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There’s hard lads in the city center who’ve definitely practiced their walk

These scrotes have always existed, social media has just given them more prominence.


This would be my worry too. They’ve little else to be doing other than planning a revenge attack

100% I think Kung fu panda may decide it’s time for a change of scenery.

I started a reply earlier today but abandoned it because based on my own experienceand because I felt it might serve only to expose my IRL identity, I pulled back.
Please enjoy dis chune by the maniacs

If Ireland isn’t careful you will end up the same as the US. You can steal up to $850 here now and it isn’t a crime. 8 drugstores have closed their doors in SF due to people just walking in with bin bags and filling them up and walking out. Result is the people living in those areas now have no drug store to go to. Fucking so called liberals.


Your head would be examined by that little scrote and his bottle …

We don’t sell guns in supermarkets here though so I’d say we won’t get to US levels for a while

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Sure stealing millions of dollars in America isn’t a crime. Being black is though. And especially black and poor.

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