The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Sadly it’s mainly poor black people most impacted by crime. Due to laws written by nutters.

The biggest criminals in America tend to be at the top. And nothing ever happens them.

A common refrain from right wingers is that the example of cultural role models encourages criminal lifestyles. I thoroughly agree with that. I mean the people who founded the USA were thieving criminals who stole actual people. These fuckers are still eulogised.

When you have cultural role models like that, it’s only to be expected that criminality thrives.

Sure they were a bunch of English cunts, look at their names.

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I’ve seen things, you people wouldn’t believe, hmm
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion
I’ve watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate
All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain

English, German and Dutch for the most part. Caucasian deeply religious types who raped, pillaged, lynched, murdered and ethnically cleansed. All in the name of God. The Spanish were as bad, just further south.

You’ll never kill our will to be free to be free…


There were 774 murders in Chicago last year.

Bluntman is the foremost war reporter of our time. Was also on the frontline for the Blanchardstown shoot out

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The dubs are giving Limerick a run for its money.

Dublin is the real stab city

They took limericks title

Ah it’s hardly that bad

The limerick lads would want to up there game. Let out a few Dundons for the weekend to right the ship

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That post is in very poor taste


He’s twisted

Welcome to TFK, how’d you find us?

The drink is in and the truth is out. A fucking desperate post. He has form for it