The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

You’re dealing with the sort of lads who slashed a poor office cleaner to death on her way home in the IFSC. You’d be mad to fight back unless there’s a big gang of you and very little of them. They may be cowards but you wouldn’t know what they’re carrying


Thats true but whats to say those scumbags don’t use a knife anyway.

Get in a couple of boxes at least and run by all means then would be my thinking.

Just standing there being the better person and taking a bating has never ended well. I did that when I was 14 and it was an awful mistake.

There was no knives involved but my head was danced all over.


Not suggesting standing there at all. Just take a wide bearth if you see a group like that coming at all.

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Are you talking about Dublin or Limerick there?

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Agree again then.

But sometimes particularly if you’re young - you have to fight.

If you’re getting a few slaps anyway you might as well break a few noses


100% mate.

I learnt that lesson the hard way 20+ years ago.

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Hardest man I ever met said you run, run like fuck. The only time you do anything else is if there’s one between you and escape, in which case you hit him as hard as you can, and then run like fuck.


Dublin in this case. Willium Street is the same in Limerick no doubt


What happened to you pal

Erra nothing material. Teenage stuff.

Just a good life lesson that you don’t stand back when attacked pal, even when its a group.

Go out swinging.

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I just hope she was worth it

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Part of growing up pal.

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I was very wary the whole time

I didn’t realise there were that many of them.

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No wonder you’re so wary of taking a couple of jabs

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Stay in your mud hut. You’ll be grand


I had a candle lit

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Terrible advice. Run like fuck


You can’t always run away pal.