The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

You’ve some serious heroes on TFK, but what would you do if you were attacked by a few of them?

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That’s what I read

A wise man advised me that if I was ever confronted with a few, hit the smallest cunt and run like fuck.

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The lads thought Dublin was an awful looking kip

I think someone should just take this city and just… just flush it down the fuckin’ toilet.


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The lockdown finished Dublin. An utter kip now

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A rain is coming

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I don’t think he’s saying he thinks he’s Chuck Norris and would bate all of them… It’s a different strategy if faced with being outnumbered, throwing a few digs as you’re going go get a hiding anyway but maybe the aggression might do the trick. That seems to be what @The_Most_Infamous is saying, no need to be labelling him a hardman hero wannabe.

If faced with more than two assailants I’d be straight into usain bolt mode, which I think most would say is the best strategy.



Do I need to re-air the article about poverty-stricken Kilmallock again? :smirk:

If you’re left with no alternative and you know there are slaps coming what are you supposed to do? Curl up into a ball?

Fucking damn sure one or two of them will think twice before assaulting the next guy

Dublin makes the New York Post again, last time was the burglars funeral

No alternative is the salient point there. Rincewind would say that the old adage ‘live to fight another day’ is bollox. Live ro run away another day is far better.

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Danny in Dublin now. Hasn’t been attacked by any scumbags yet but I’ll keep you updated.

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Is there a different mask mandate between England and Ireland or what? You see basically nobody wearing masks in his England videos, quite a few in this Dublin one.

They’re mandatory indoors basically here, and it’s pretty much universally observed. Has the UK has done away with masks altogether?

Just from watching his videos I barely see them, even for staff inside restaurants.

They’re further down the vaccination road maybe, or they just don’t give a shite any more

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The latter I’d say. America/UK have completely forgotten about the concept of social responsibility, thanks to cunts like Boris and Trump.

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Danny’s not here for the long haul if he’s sitting down to 40 yoyos of chipper food all the time