The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Yerra half of his videos are in London for the same price with smaller portions. Anyway he must make thousands off each video.

Food in that place looks great tbf.

Yes sure they had their freedom day a while back. I don’t know the exact rules but they have relaxed the requirement to wear them materially

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There are laws in place now here. Just advice. Much stricter in Dublin last weekend.

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Running is signing, sealing and delivering a kicking if you get caught. Running and getting away are very different things.

I was walking through Garryowen one afternoon when I was a young lad with a buddy of mine. A gang of 5 older lads said something, we put the heads down, long story short, they ran us. My buddy ran, I knew we couldn’t get away so stood and turned. They ran passed me and kicked fuck out of him.

Mannix Fylnn on Newstalk now. Giving both barrels to the hipsters.

What’s the context?

On about the policing in Dublin and how the city is a kip. Was talking about when the Portobello square was closed off and as he said a load of hipsters giving out about it without understanding what the residents of the area were going through.

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That was a great plan. Just move the hipsters up 200m to Harold’s Cross bridge.

he is a dolt

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To shoot something.

The 2 incidents where I saw fellas take on scrotes… First led to 4 missing teeth and thousands in dental bills (O’Connell Street 2001). Second led to an expensive shirt destroyed by a blade and 14 stitches across the stomach. (Fenian Street 2002)

Run while you can. These fellas would have you sliced whilst you’d be trying to unwind a punch.

Hope you were ok @TheUlteriorMotive


Mannix Flynn is the worst kind of politician.


A lad who would know once told me if you see the knife they won’t stab you.

Otherwise the first time you’ll know you are stabbed is when you feel a punch and realise you are bleeding


You need masks on public transport and in hospital. Otherwise it’s not compulsory.

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Dublin needs marital law.

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Leave the poor husband’s out of this


The north inner city (aside from a few notable areas) has always had a vibe since I was young but it’s even worse now. You do actually see police out on their push bikes but the ones by themselves have no interest in stopping the junkies fighting one another & will just keep cycling on. O’Connell Street is dreadful on so many levels, I do hope that the various developments will help kickstart it returning to some of its former glory but more is needed. A lot more private housing is needed along with a few big ticket office development to change the mix on the streets.

Covid allowed a lot of the rest of the city to be taken over as well and whilst the return of business has helped, there is still crime everywhere you look. The heroin dealers don’t see to give a shit anymore and will deal wherever.


I walked O Connell St every day from 97-03 all hours of the day and night. Wasn’t pretty then but def a lot rougher now. No question drugs were the main issue one way or another then and I’d venture even more of a worse issue now, thats where you start

Tis the parents