The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

A good place to catch the bus or meet someone, thatā€™s about it

The only mobile phone my generation needed.

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Generations of dubbaliners met their mot or quare one under the famous clock from where they might wander down to poolbeg street for a jar. And maybe listen to a tune or twoā€¦

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I love this:

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If you love it, then throw it an oul like there too

Bit of a stretch leaving that at Keeganā€™s doorā€¦

He got you a great bus corridor out to stillorgan ā€¦


Theyā€™ll be saying the same about Dr Quirkys good time emporium in twenty years when someone tries to tear it down.


Lads like him. City planners.

So beloved as a department store that nobody shopped there and it went out of business.


The problem with Oā€™Connell Street is that it was the home of family entertainment in Dublin for a few decades. Once the suburbs and the shopping centre arrived, you had less reason to go there.

Itā€™s basically a relic of that now. Clerys was a mediocre department store. Most of the cinemas closed down replaced with those arcades. Little student football and few prime office locations around it. Itā€™s a bus corridor that brings in all sorts to the city. The GPO is now a 24/7 soup kitchen.

The Clerys redevelopment is the first step in bringing it back.


Excellent museums, top class restaurants, hundreds of years of history and cultureā€¦itā€™s got a lot going for it. Expensive though and increasingly poorly policed.

And @TreatyStones. Donā€™t forget TreatyStones.


Like Bewleys all these people signing a petition to keep it open and all they had to do was go in and drink a few cups of coffee in the place and thereā€™d have been no fear of it

It went out of business because it got shit. They sold long term concessions to shit companies for not enough money. It was like stepping back in tike going in there. There are plenty of department stores in Dublin that do well because theyā€™re good. Arnotts isnā€™t that far from Clerys.

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Gonna be fun and games around the city today

Higgins Butchers have emailed me to say my delivery will be tomorrow due to the protest.

Iā€™m sat in a car park after an early morning appointment and I think Iā€™ll walk to a coffee shop and work from there for a while rather than venture out as I need to get back here and the streets look like they are about to close

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Whatā€™s going on ?

The hauliers are supposed to be protesting at the price of dayzel outside Leinster House. Supposed to be coming in in convoys along all the main routes.

Veronaā€™s at the wheel.

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Driving their trucks from all over the country to Dublin to complain about the price of diesel?