The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

That’s what you’re up against.


Diesel has gone mental (in terms of price) lately. I applaud the lads

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for people in cars

Fuel protest aimed at shutting down the city

No flying Buses yet pal. Lots of disruption.

Hard to attend medical appointments by train or bike.

There’ll be some amount of trucker roasters today in capital city.

lots of bikes out & about this morning mate so little disruption for POBs

the farmers last week & HGV drivers this week, why wont climate change just go away so these guys can keep polluting to their hearts contents - grrrrrrrrrrr


I’ll be planning a protest to close all approach roads to Dublin on the day of Garth Brooks next year as payback



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I pretty much said the same to Mrs Hunt when they had the farmers protest on the news last week.

OPEC withholding supplies apparently, the cunts. USA and others about to release strategic reserves to free up supply.

TBF independent hauliers are at breaking point ref fuel bills - more go out of business means late or no deliveries eventually etc , not talking about Nolan transport etc but the small guys who employ local unlike cheap labour Nolan

Looks like the protest is having an effect so.


what are you suggesting the fix is?

They’re on Dorset street now

And all opec will do is withhold more supplies to counteract it

And the massive tax on it

Trucker roaster gear




No problem with them protesting but they’ll get little support with how they’re going about it. Use public transport and have a march/rally. Don’t be clogging the city up with trucks and driving from all over the country to complain about the cost of diesel.

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Government bloody taking less tax obviously on fuel used by haulier’s