The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

How was the school run?

Why don’t they pass their costs on to their customers? That would make more sense surely.

less tax on pollutants?

Suppose they need to upset ppl to get anywhere- don’t want to turn into a Britain ref deliveries and not enough truckers,
All will be affected by higher prices , it’ll be passed onto all here one way or another

you are just a lackey for capitalism

I’d say most people know what a shit job it is and how tough an industry it is to operate in but they must know there’s no way govt are going to drop tax levels a couple of weeks after Glasgow.


Think they will tbh albeit a temporary measure, as fuel prices will drop eventually

Would you be in favour of this? It would put people on lower incomes under even more pressure

The US are releasing emergency reserves as the average price of gas approaching $1 per litre.

The Irish government keep banging 10c in tax onto it and its now €1.60 per litre.

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Hauliers passing the cost of diesel increases on to the people using their services would put people on low incomes under more pressure?

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Yes because the people using their services may be delivering to shops, supermarkets etc and will probably pass on the price increase further down the supply chain. Common sense wouldn’t you think?

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I don’t see that it’s necessarily people on lower incomes that the costs will be passed on to.

I’m sure you’re right to some degree. Diesel costs are going to rise as we need to start phasing it out. That’s widely accepted at this stage.

Not while there’s a pandemic to pay for. Outrageous the amount of taxation on fuel in Ireland. You wouldn’t mind if they were investing it in renewable research but alas…

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I accept that, but until electric vehicles become more affordable to the population at large and we have the grid capacity to power whatever the number of vehicles that are using the roads and we have a decent charging infrastructure to charge them, we are stuck with diesel for now. What does increasing the tax on it actually achieve?

BTW it’s not necessarily just lower incomes that would bear the brunt, but they would feel the pinch from both rising fuel costs (both domestic fuel and for their vehicles) and goods and services more than most.

No traffic at all as everybody is WFH.

However if you have a medical emergency or appointment later in the day you may be inconvenienced.

The increase being passed down the chain will have more of an effect on the person with 100 quid in their pocket than 500. Poor people would be impacted more in absolute terms.


cc @dodgy_keeper


Yeah I agree. It’s a difficult one to square. Most climate related reforms will disproportionately affect poorer people if they’re not carefully calibrated.

Richard has inadvertently put his finger on an issue there. More food should be sourced locally rather than being processed centrally, trucked up to vast logistics centers on the M50 and then trucked back down the motorways to the shops, supermarkets and end users. Trucks driving 5 millions kilometers a day to facilitate this madness is unsustainable. This madness will have to stop soon.


More window boxes for our lettuce are needed