The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Easy to be flippant about it but ultimately that will be part of the solution.


I wasn’t being flippant

Was in for the like there mate until the final image, you bollix :rofl:

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the carbon tax is ringfenced to retrofit social housing

as sure as night follows day there is a flippant mark from @StoneCold about a serious issue

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy wants poor people to suffer

having delicious rocket on your window sill isnt suffering bro

I am just thinking about an average suburb in a city or e.g. a big town these days. If you want to buy tomatoes or lettuce, you can go to a Tesco, Dunnes, Spar, Centra, Londis, Supervalu, Centra, Aldi, Lidl. So that is 9 I can think of off the top of my head, not to mind all the cafes buying lettuce and restaurants, markets, fruit and veg shops.
I suppose all this needs to be moved from A to B in trucks and vans everyday to keep the modern day entitled human happy.
I was a child in the 80s, but what did people do then? Went without? All I remember was the choice of supermarkets wasn’t there. Just thinking about Mungret and Raheen side of town back then, there was a big Quinnsworth and a few small local shops, one in Dooradoyle and one in Mungret and I think that was it.

Yerra, I had to throw in a grenade to get a rise. It could be any county flag in reality.

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I’m more of a butterhead man myself.

A question for your superiors.

Why isn’t heat being recovered from modern city office blocks and data centres being used to heat homes. There was an interesting discussion regarding same on Newstalk yesterday. Heat is a by product of the operation of data centres, and now the plan is to put them in remote areas away from where this by product can be cheaply harvested.

Thanks, mate.

Tallaght Amazon data centre heat to be used in homes (

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In Waterford we had Quinnsworth in the Shopping Centre, Besco in Ballybricken and L&N and Darrers in the City Centre and that was more or less it as regards supermarkets. Now we have 3 Tescos, two SuperValus, 3 Lidls, 3 ALDIs, a Dunne’s, Ardkeen (which was a small shop since upgraded to a fully fledged supermarket) and any amount of Mace, Spar, Londis. Plus a heap more out in Tramore.

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I remember a lad in a van came around the estate I grew up in selling fruit and veg.

Meat was sourced locally from a butcher who slaughtered his own animals etc

Milkman delivered milk

The days of big supermarkets selling same range of fresh food may be limited and that’s not a bad thing.

A start would be to stop ating. Food out of season

Yes we had the milkman (I still have a milkman) the bread van, the fruit and veg man and the ice cream van.


I saw chump bat off the reduction of VAT on fuel as we will lose some special exemption woth the EU and VAT will go to 23%. Now that might be true but the goverment can reduce the excise duty or carbon tax on fuel. The old reliables in the budget. Only 3 weeks ago the budget put 10c on a litre.

Good move. Combined heat and power at a local scale has been a massive success in Denmark long before we knew there was a climate emergency

My Nana’s house in the middle of nowhere had the Friday visit of the “van man”, selling all kinds of goods. This was in the 80s and into the early 90s. We’d be hyped if we were there as it would have meant that we would have got a Chomp bar or some other luxury.

All veg grown on their farm. Own hens, pigs and cattle. Poitin sourced locally. Any additional messages could be got down the street or the occasional trip to Nenagh. A simpler time.


I remember one enterprising man renting VCR tapes out of the boot of the car

True boy

The Entrights used to do the door to door fruit and vege in North limk city. Was horse and cart until the 80s. Shane was still delivering to my grandmother up until she passed a few years back.

The only ones ordering off him were the old wans both out of habit and physical necessity. I’d say it drove him mad 'can I get 2, a parsnip, half a dozen spuds and 3 tomatoes" for a whopping total of about 2 quid

Vertical growhouses and aquaponics are the future. Reduces waste, reduces travel, reduces energy, promotes local enterprise.