The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

The road surface along Mount Street is a disgrace.

Jesus that looks smashing.

Looking for the places only they would know :man_shrugging:

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I like that street, always a warm feeling when I’m on it. Done a bit of bidness on it a couple of years ago. Very lucrative.


Howl at the Moon is a huge loss to Mount Street.


There’s a new press up venture going in there. The Leinster

Informative. No sign of a replacement for Scruffy Murphy’s tgough.

I misspent many a night in there a great spot


No. Sure who would want to drink in there in fairness.

Could it be true that Dublin has areas of poverty and areas of wealth like more or less every single other city in the world? Or is that too simplistic

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Anyone been in the place that opened up in the old misfortunately named Larry Murphys? Seems to be a few quid put in there from the outside at least but it’s a poor location for a pub.

It’s a Press Up joint so pretty bland and expensive I assume

Another fucking Press Up place? Fuck me they’re everywhere.

Is Scruffy Murphy’s off Mount Street closed down?

Gone a few years.

They’re doing okay… you’d wonder where the…

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Fair play mate, you’re doing well :clap:

As everyone said to Elvis, " ah go on and buy us an oul cadillac, wouldya?"

A cracking spot. Loved going there