The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

a real life case study for sterilisation.

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Sounded more of a Louth accent I thought?

Edit: nope, mulhuddart

I was walking up Grafton St on Saturday about 1pm. Busker at the top. Garda pick up truck parked. Busy enough. I crossed towards St Stephens Green entrance. I spotted a girl in a FAI tracksuit top which was not in keeping with other peoples dress in the area so I kept looking at her and her 3 male acquitances. As I passed them they exchanged cash for a small white plastic bag. They felt no need to go around the corner into the relatively quieter interior of St Stephens Green.

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Christ above. Where do you even begin with that.

Not Dublin, but from the same account

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Glaslough in Monaghan.

Your man casually munching on his curry chips completely oblivious to the scrap happening right in front of him until your man nearly gets the head kicked off his shoulders and lands at his feet.

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Dublin victim named, while murder probe discovers people ‘came and went’ from flat where he lay dead for days

Apparently, the body lay in a bedroom concealed under clothing. The lurid headline suggests they were stepping over a corpse in the hallway.

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Head injuries tho so someone knew he was there; someone covered him up purposely. Not like her curled up and overdosed which initially was what it was incorrectly made sound like.

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Wanna see what our gang of apes are doing to my town

how do you mean ?

City manager has fucked up my town
Crazy traffic system
Turned Cork city into a glass building
Eyesores around the port of Cork
Plus no one living in the city centre anymore
Shops shops shops

ah yeah? gone that bad? Passed through a few weeks ago from the airport, plenty of building going on.

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Tis honestly- making glass commercial units rather than housing

Unreal, will they ever learn…

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Na- made a Hanes of parts of the capital ( wood quay era and afterwards etc)
Sane shite here in parts

Eroding historical areas for commercial enterprise
We’ve a bitch of a city manager who doesn’t listen and just bulldozes her way through the city
Instead of retaining it
She’s knocking it
And what’s not knocked is swamped by glass eyesores

Many would see this razing of Cork as a progressive step.


Cork has gone to fuck lately.

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