The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

I didn’t think the modern cars would be that easy to rob?

It was an older one, looked to have been there a while, probably had it marked

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The Garda car seemed to stand up to the ramming fairly well.

Brings to mind the case a while back where some fella was up in court after he snapped after teenagers had been terrorising his elderly mother. Can’t recall the details of whether he actually hit the little scumbags or what but must be dreadful for people living in areas like that or with elderly parents there.

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I’d say it’s a Japanese import.

Easy to steal one of them. So I hear.


The little cunts respect nothing or nobody. Its more dangerous they’re getting.

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I seen a fella get in to a bmw in about 10 seconds, one of the lads locked his keys in the boot after training with Janesboro, one of the lads from Carew Park had it open without a scratch.

I had a look at my auld toyota starlet and there was no point even locking it


shoot the scum

You managed to keep the fact that you’re a nun hidden until now.


The little scrotes egging them on with the camera phones are as bad.



There is no ramifications for these cunts.

They deserve a hammering of the guards but we live in a society where that’s not allowed.

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Ban cars is the answer here


A hammering doesn’t deter them anymore. It makes them worse

10 years in the Joy, throw away the key.

No social welfare for 20 years. Let the cunts starve.

You’re after having a pet day

Cherry Orchard has always been feral, always will be. It’s just they didn’t have camera phones 30 years ago.


Edgelords should be along soon to see what way breeze is going and go in the other direction for the usual reaction


The hammerings go too far sometimes though and you get cases like that lad in Clonmel a few years ago. Plus they’re hardly going to respect guards if they’re hammering the shit out of them.

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Yeah but that only ends up making areas even worse.

It’s very hard to know as prisons cost the system so much but I’d doubt this would happen anywhere else.