The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Its the only thing they’d insure. I had to have a speed tracking device and gps installed as terms of the insurance as well as handing over 1500 old irish pounds

It happens in the vast vast majority of countries in the world.


It’s a sense of hopelesness causes this. Sure for most of those animals, going into jail would be better than the life they have now. Jail is no skin off their nose. You won’t fix them, they’re lost.

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Does it really?

Ah it does yeah. There are sinkhole estates in most big cities in first world countries and worse again when you go below that. Probably a handful of countries in the world where it doesn’t.

Japan probably one of them. I’ve heard they have a very low crime rate over there.

The better areas are full of Ukrainian scroungers posting iPhone 14s home mate.

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If you rammed a police car twice in most countries in the world you’d expect to be shot at.


Here ya go - New Zealand - rams police car. Shot dead.

Cunts who filmed that should be hauled up as well


Gardai having guns won’t solve any problems in an area like Cherry Orchard. It’ll only get the backs of the entire community up, further ghettoise the entire community, and lead to an increase in young lads going out and getting guns themselves. But like all performatively certain answers to complex issues, it sounds good, until you think about it for about five seconds.

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Some poor cunt is looking at twitter tonight going, that looks like my car, looking out the window and going ah for fuck sake

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And the fucker that stole his car will probably claim off his insurance for getting whiplash when he rammed the garda car

Guards should have proper powers and not be undermined by useless judges who allow people to literally have dozens of convictions without ever seeing the inside of a cell before they have guns

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The jails are full

Then we need more. Ramming a police car should end you up in prison in a functional society


It’s really simple the lads doing that should be charged with attempted murder and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Even the most bloody of bleeding heart liberals wouldn’t complain.
Talk of taking houses off them or shooting them arent really the answer

Yeah but the problem there is that what happened in that video clearly wasn’t attempted murder or anywhere near it.

They’re almost certainly not adults

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