The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Will this is the issue isn’t it? Leave them where they are and half of them will end up either dead or in jail on a few years anyway. Try to do something positive with them a d they’ll succumb to peer pressure and probably their parents who grew up knowing nothing else. Damned if you do etc.

But sure it was if the judge wants it to be. Ramming a car head on. Obviously a grey area but who’d complain.

Tipping a Garda car at 5 miles an hour is not attempted murder.

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Yessirs are awful innocent. Justice is an industry and it needs gangs of scumbags terrorising society or the work dries up. Judges, solicitors and Barristers have yachts to pay for. No good locking fellas up for a few years when they can get a few spins out of them over and over again.


That’s high jinks.

Yeah I don’t think giving guards guns and a licence to kill is the answer though. Hasn’t worked out great in the US. No easy solution to this. Esteban hit the nail on the head earlier it is hopelessness that is at the root of this, it’s all they know. I do think longer custodial sentences might help but evidence from the US suggests maybe not. Generational poverty is the problem which is being exacerbated by drugs which was never there until the 80’s in Ireland anyway. Fucking terrifying situation for those guards though who are most likely poorly paid and poorly trained and are put in a situation like that.

God be with the days we had vigilante justice and the biggest headbanger would be put in a van and that would be a message to the rest.

I haven’t read much of the above… But building housing estates with no amenities and cramming them with the working poor / non working from every where and any where only leads to hopelessness in the main. They’re ghettos. Look at Moyross or Southill in Limerick, one way in / out… It sends a message to people… of course when banks and politicians act the cunt, it these areas and the services needed in them that are the first to go… While we find money to continue servicing those at the top…

Not many are people are born bad, but there’s a good chunk of people that never really escape their environment, not without some positive influence in their formative years anyway.


Nailed it

There needs to be a consequence for ramming a police car - nobody in that car is committing their first offence

Society isn’t just take, take.

It’s not fair on people who want to raise a family in that area to just hand it over to scrotes either.

Take the free house. Evict their family to side of road. The behaviour would stop quickly then.

A condition of society paying your social welfare and giving a free house is you don’t constantly poke society in the eye.


It’s a breakdown of society. These people have been failed by the system for years and now don’t give a fuck.

Remember reading a piece on Baltimore where they wouldn’t arrest kids and it worked.

These people need to be shown they can have a future or else it’ll get worse.

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I agree there should be consequences but taking away everything from them is not the answer. What do you think they will do when left on the side of the road? Just die peacefully? Fagan made a great point recently when he said providing the basics stops these lads crawling in your window or something to that effect. It’s an extremely complex problem with no easy answers.


If we sent you up to give free hugs it would go a long way to empowering some of these people’s lives.

The rich are getting richer in Ireland and the poor are getting poorer. It’ll just like America now. We’ll have massive social unrest in a few years.

Wah wah fuckin wah. Always someone else’s fault

Maybe reading your posts on here from start to finish could be a punishment.

Waste of time. Army. Shoot on sight.

The problems with Cherry Orchard run very deep. The place has always been a kip and a ghetto. It was designed as such. It’s way worse than the rest of Ballyfermot which comprises solid 1950s council houses. When Cherry Orchard was built, I presume in the mid to late 1970s, a lot of the houses had flat roofs and corrugated metal fronts which remained up to the late 90s before a sort of makeover was given to the place. There were no trees and massive bare expanses of windswept fields, and it seems this is largely still the case. The place was an unmerciful kip, even just in a visual sense, and it hasn’t got much better.

I went to primary school with a lot of kids from there and the coach bus we got to school went back through Cherry Orchard each evening, down past the railway, opposite the Semperit factory. They were nearly all good kids at heart but they were always confrontational, as if they always felt they had to prove their hardness, this attitude never left them. Some of them would talk about the Red Wall gang, as if they aspired to join them. They nearly all had sub-standard reading and writing skills. There was one lad who had decent reading and writing skills and it wasn’t a coincidence that his family got the fuck out of the place and moved out to Maynooth as soon as they could.

The whole culture of the place has always been one of failure, of alienation, of a rejection of society, joyriding, drugs, rejection of education was and seemingly remains the culture among children and young people. At Halloween 1995 a girl who had been one year below me in primary school (the same class the Canary was in) was beaten to death with a brick by her “boyfriend” who was four years older than her. Then over the next couple of nights Cherry Orchard erupted into total (unrelated) mayhem. Any people from the area who would speak blamed the Gardai, but of course it wasn’t the Gardai’s fault. These riots have lived in infamy since.

The culture is at fault and I don’t know how you change that. Changing that culture has only got more challenging. Drugs are a culture, a cancer that is almost impossible to root out once it takes hold, there are no real ways to solve the drug problem, you can only manage it. The informational landscape we now live in makes changing the culture more challenging. The entire community gets vilified online for the actions of the thugs which unsurprisingly gets their backs up further. Pied pipers peddling easy “anti-system” answers to that community which only increases its sense of alienation. There definitely needs to be more resources given to policing there but arming police is a recipe for worse trouble.

But personally I’d raze the place to the ground and rebuild the whole thing because it’s a terribly designed shithole with badly built, ugly houses. The whole place was designed to fail. That was the starting point of the trouble.


There’s only so much of me can go around brah. But I do agree that I am the answer to much of society’s problems.

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A few speed bumps mightn’t do any harm


An easy answer. Also a correct one.

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