The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

1980 wants it meme back.

I doubt these ones can read

Imagine, nothing has been learned since 1980… Shocking.

Attempted murder might have been a bit much but attacking a garda should surely carry a mandatory sentence of say ten years. You’re right about the look of cherry orchard though it must be the bleakest place in Ireland.

Those young lads are listening to too much gangster rap I think


In last decade or so they’ve put in astro football pitches, an equine centre, swimming pool and leisure centre and a skate park into Cherry Orchard.

I know lads who grew up there and nearby. Lads who did well for themselves. They all say that the only way to deal with these areas is that any anti-social behavior and you’re gone. Otherwise the scrotes take over.

Rehouse them in rural Donegal or Monaghan,if you like, where they might behave themselves because if they don’t the locals will take a swift interest.

All over Europe social housing comes with a contract. You break it and you lose the free house.

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stick them beside the worlds biggest dump that @Julio_Geordio wants to build there

might as well build the nuclear power plant there too

I’m not saying everything has been achieved but there are more facilities in place. There are also more people attending third level from these areas, even if below national averages (the area is absolutely deprived).

The problem was recognised long ago and things are done when budgets allow. Cherry Orchard has far better early and primary education facilities than most for example.

I’m sure more can be done but someone deciding to ram a Garda car for the laugh isn’t doing it because they didn’t have access to X or Y. We always need to be looking at the carrots but we also need to see the stick too, we don’t police things properly.


Put them in the pyrite houses.


are you fucking joking me? policing isn’t the issue
I’m sure most of those lads in those cars have been arrested multiple times and before judges with bulletproof cases

I may have told this story before but a Garda I know brought a lad to jail after being convicted in court. Just before his shift ended they got a call of a disturbance down the town. Down they go and twas your man they’d brought down to jail earlier in the day. As a guard it must be very demoralising.

All the other cheap and nasty almost prefab style estates that were built in the 1970s are as bad. The ones in Neilstown, Tallaght, Blanchardstown, Finglas, Darndale. Moyross in Limerick. They all look horrible in the most basic visual sense. Planning disasters all of them. The newer stuff that gets put up in some of the gaps in between isn’t much better. Whereas the greater part of Ballyfermot that was built in the 1950s looks decent enough in a visual sense, the same as Crumlin, Drimnagh and parts of Finglas do. They’re houses you can have real pride in.

One of the simplest planning ideas that can improve the whole feeling around an estate anywhere is to put grass verges outside the footpaths and plant trees on them. Cherry Orchard actually has grass verges. But after 50 years there are hardly any trees. Pretty much every single grass verge in the estate I grew up in has a tree on it and the difference it makes to the appearance and the general feeling of the place is incredible.

its a terrible reflection that the estates built in the 30s are so much better than the ones built in the 70s

Police/ justice generally.

I have sympathy with lads being let back onto the streets but we don’t police anti social behaviour. The boardwalk in Dublin has long been a free for all. Youngsters go around in packs abusing (often racist and homophobic in nature) with no fear. You’ll see people openly graffitiing during the day.

It’s the broken window theory. It isn’t a catch all but we have to be more aggressive in enforcing a social contract in the streets.

There is also a point on social houses. Go and see some of the newer ones around Poppintree. 8 /9 out of 10 will keep them very well but there’s always a few that leave them in a state. I have nothing to back this up but I’d hazard a guess that they are the same ones not paying their rent to the various councils….

This is why I often bring up the 1% long term unemployed and the thousands who could not be arsed to work. The answer here is there are always people like that in every country but it doesn’t mean you don’t do anything about it. Carrot and stick approach is needed. It is always a small % causing the big problems.


And the above also goes for other low level anti social behaviour that the population at wide take part in- illegal parking (“just a minute”), littering, illegal dumping, illegal signs by companies etc.

We don’t need to be Singapore but a bit more respect for others and the environment is needed out there.

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agreed, once we hammer cagers that park in bike lanes, the rest will fall into place


Policing and justice for sure has its part to play… But did we not learn anything from the basement in Edward J. Tilghman Middle School? What good did tougher policing do those kids? It wasn’t till Bunny Colvin showed Namond some attention and structure in his life that he engaged and began to change.


I don’t think there are many examples where “crackdowns” have worked on societal problems. It’s always more complex. Some of the disaffected middle aged right wing nut jobs we’ve had join us lately will be along now to call me a bleeding heart liberal or a lefty headbanger.

Is she using a Stanley knive on that woman’s face? The “men” in that clip should be ashamed of themselves