The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Surely someone should have fucked a chair at her or something


someone said about putting facilities in Cherry Orchard, that’s a band aid but in the long run it’s counter productive, it gives them something to do short term but they’re still in Cherry Orchard/Moyross/Southill. One way in, one way out as @Thomas_Brady correctly put it.

They need to be shown from a young age that there is an alternative, get them out of those places, show them beaches, show them different things. Keeping them in schools in there in that environment won’t work because that hopelessnes is oppressive and contagious. You need really strong influences in the community to be able to fight it, and there were real community focussed people in the 80’s and 90’s, getting kids out of these areas on day trips and holidays and keeping their attention away from the bad things going on in these places.That community involvment is going away, there are less and less actual individuals willing to make a difference and charities are being monitized so even people that want to help are caught up in beaurocracy

You can batter them or jail them or do whatever physical damage you want to them or their homes, it doesn’t make a difference, they don’t fear death or jail or beatings, they’ll just come back worse.

There’s no easy fix, but just putting amenities in those places and basically locking them in without proper community supports will fail too. They need to be shown a way out through education or support, and it needs to happen in the formative years and be continued… You will lose some but you can eventually get rid of the sense of hopelessness and futility maybe, if the good work is sustained, you just need to outnumber the real bad ones and turn the area around, doing the right thing is just as contagious, it’s just harder to do


Or you could just put them in jail.

She’s wide open to a roundhouse kick to the head.

Some great stuff on Liveline today. One caller claimed his house was petrol bombed because his son wouldn’t snort cocaine off the tables during the Leaving Cert. Another caller said the boy racers should be brought down to Mondello Park, and that Ballyfermot could produce the next Ayrton Senna.

She was like this lad from streets of rage, a good flying knee and she’d have dropped the knife, quick one two combo and she’d be flashing on the ground before disappearing;


In the close up at the end the red haired girl just looks like a normal punter. Possibly attacked because she look a bit goth.

Surely security are entitled/obliged to step in at some point.


I was in the people’s park in Limerick the other day and a young fella tore towards me on a little pony (while being chased by a council worker roaring at him to get out of the park), he saw me last minute and lads he turned the pony on a dime with a little tug of the reigns and a squeeze of his legs, and then he tore off in a different direction with a very polite “soddy sir”

If he was rich he’d be a show jumper or something, he was an absolute natural, no saddle or nothing.

I know they started a program in Moyross to get young lads riding horses. Shit like that is what would help I think. I remember reading a story about some place that had problems with kids at night, so they started this late night astro soccer league for the kids in the area and crime fell dramatically for fuck all cost. Most of these kids are just bored or for whatever reason don’t want to go back to/aren’t welcome in their homes.


Cherry Orchard has this and more.

She’s deliberately slashed at her face to cause maximum damage. The perpetrator should be jailed for ten years for that. It’s quite upsetting to watch while the lad on the camera sniggers to himself.


Equine education is all well and good, but what about the people when are we going to educate them?

Why don’t we just take all the Cherries out of their orchard? That would soften their cough

Its mad how a fella can detach himself from that and be so glib.


Its very easy now to say things like that, but I’d be very hesitant getting involved in someone elses row, particularly when they have a knife or blade or something. I wouldnt stand there guffawing videoing it, but you dont know who else is in there if you try get in the middle and stop it, some other cunt behind them could come out and start on you. I think I’d take the “ahh hhheeeeeyyyooooorrrrrr” approach rather than physically getting involved.


Is this dublife twitter thing glorifying this or whats his reasoning ?

Ah fuck it lad, if you saw a woman getting slashed at you’d have to do something about. You’d have the knife taken off her in a second.


Think he just shares viral WhatsApp videos on that page. All sorts of stuff on it.

Ive just seen a number of things posted here in the last few days from it and all of it is anti social behaviour

There is a fair amount of harmless stuff on that Twitter page if you have a look.

What you say is all very true but I’d find it very hard to not get involved in that situation which in lots of ways is stupid… Id be on the blower to the guards at the very least…i might also take the knife off your wan and stab the cunt with the phone. Everyone, including the two ladies fighting, would stand and applaud me for it and I’d probably win person of the year on Time magazine.