The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

& they wonder why Dublin is a kip

Because Keegan is an arsehole?

1 reason, the other is, councilors voted not to get enough tax to make it better

The Greens, Labour and SD the only responsible parties on this topic.

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Breaking: Bail refused for Letterkenny man charged over vicious assault

A man was arrested after Gardaí seized mobile phone footage of an attack a Detective Sergeant told Letterkenny District Court was 'akin to kicking a football’.

Letterkenny courthouse.

Chris McNulty

03 Oct 2022 3:06 PM


Bail has been refused for a Letterkenny man who repeatedly attacked another man after knocking him unconscious.

John Sweeney, 27, of Burnside, Letterkenny, has been charged in relation to the attack.

Video footage of the incident, which occurred on Thursday afternoon at the Burnside complex at Lower Main Street, was widely circulated.

A mobile phone, on which the footage was recorded, was seized by GardaĂ­ under Section 7 of the Criminal Justice Act.

Detective Sergeant Johnny Sweeney told the court that the footage was ‘of excellent quality’. The accused, he said, can ‘clearly be seen punching and kicking the inured party several times continuously and at one stage running up and akin to kicking a football’.

Sweeney, who has 54 previous convictions, was arrested on Sunday evening by Gardai and conveyed to Milford Garda Station before. Sweeney appeared before Letterkenny District Court on Monday afternoon. His mother was present when the matter was heard.

Sweeney is charged with assaulting a man causing him harm. He also faces a charge of using or engaging threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace might have been occasioned.

GardaĂ­ objected to bail, noting that Sweeney committed these offence while on bail over other matters.

Detective Sergeant Sweeney said there were concerns that the accused would commit offence if bailed.

“He has committed a terrible assault while on bail,” Detective Sergeant Sweeney said.

Detective Sergeant Sweeney told the court that the alleged victim declined to make a statement at the time.

“Gardaí are unaware whether he understands or knows how badly he was assaulted as he was unconscious for most of it,” he said.

Solicitor for Sweeney, Mr Rory O’Brien, said the State was relying on footage and no statements had been taken from the alleged injured party or from any witnesses.

“What the State is asking is equivalent to internment,” Mr O’Brien said. “To remand him for a period of time like this is wholly unfair. My client does not have history of violence as has been suggested and any notoriety stems back eight years ago. The absence of real evidence rather than material floating around social media should not be sufficient to remand him in custody.”

The court heard that Sweeney had already breached bail conditions by failing to sign-on at a Garda station 12 times in recent weeks. Since being granted bail, Sweeney was also detected stealing alcohol from a shop.

Mr O’Brien suggested to the court that there was Covid-19 in his client’s house, meaning he was unable to attend a Garda station. Mr O’Brien added that none of Sweeney’s previous 54 convictions were for assault causing harm or violent disorder.

Judge Éiteáin Cunningham refused bail, noting the seriousness of the alleged offence, the sentence that was likely to be imposed and the strength of the evidence in support of the charges.

Judge Cunningham said the court was satisfied that a refusal was considered ‘necessary to prevent the commission of serious offence’.

Sweeney was remanded in custody to appear again before Letterkenny District Court on October 10.

Poor Mr. O’Brien is struggling to see the link between his client’s recidivism and his latest criminal act, a violent assault.



Wouldnt like to be the person who videoed that. Well done them all the same, but that cunt and his scum spawn wont let this lie you’d feel.

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I watched that video, if he was better coordinated he’d have killed him.

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Definitely yeah.

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Better call Saul…

Mr OBrien solicitor is a prize cunt

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Who are you going to believe,me or your lying eyes?

Six and a half years for a bit of weed seems GUBU

Did you read the article at all?

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He mustn’t have

That’s about 5/6 lads I’ve heard of indirectly lost their absolute bollox on taxi-plates. Were they 70/80k punts each?

I did, why?

How did the 30kg of cannabis @ 600k become 13kg @ 260k?