The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Six dustbin bags plus one in the house and some in the car iirc?

He was hardly some innocent abroad. 13kg of weed would require fair bit of personal use. The sentence he did get is already a fair clip off the “mandatory” ten years.
He’ll be out in 2 & 1/2 I’d imagine, unless more comes to light from the various Hutch/Kinahan trials.

would you say the fellas he was dealing with dobbed him in? a couple hundred K mightn’t be much of a loss if they got an ex guard locked up, especially if he had sent some of them down

Dunno. Doubt it tbh. More likely given the way Dublin gangland seems that they’d have had him shot by a malnourished 13 year old


Unlikely I’d have thought. It’s probably 30/35 years since he was on the street. He would have been in management positions rather than face-to-face with the lads getting sentenced

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They were and they were a licence to print money before deregulation. You didn’t even have to drive the car. Get the licence and a car and get a young lad to “cosy” for you.

However it was obvious from 2-3 years out that deregulation was coming so anyone who paid big money for a plate late in was a mug.

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The mugs were looked after by Bertie. Sure the lad that wrote the cheques for them posts here….

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Sulky racing?

Fellas had horrific running technique in the 1890s.

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A load of Raheem Sterlings


@Fagan_ODowd and Powery looking well

who has 54 previous convictions

6 months max

Surprisingly fay.

Looks like listowel just before the races 2 weeks ago

Was that the lad working that took a kicking?

At 4 seconds one of the hard men fucks a rubber duck at someone :joy:


They all look like JD Sports vomited on them.


Yeah, setting a children’s playground on fire is a real way to show how “anti-system” you are, to really stick it to the man.

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