The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

That’s very true. They’ve done a nice job there too.

Singapore mate, and they are far from bland.

You don’t really get Dublin. You got bussed to the Dunstitute for a year or two but don’t know it. I accept that Manchester has made great strides but so has Dublin. If you think Dublin hasn’t progressed since the 1980s then you really don’t get it.

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I never lived in Dublin in the 80’s mate , I wouldn’t know.

That’s your opinion and you are totally entitled to it.


They’re incredibly bland, sorry. Beetham Tower is decent but that’s it. I recall you saying “meh” to Waterfront Central in Dublin but you think this is amazing. :rofl:


So I’m not sure how you can comment on what Dublin should or shouldn’t do.

The regeneration of parts of Dublin is remarkable.

The Docklands is a great area- it could do with a few more taller buildings but in terms of scale it is far more significant than a cluster of skyscrapers.

You’re googling away like mad :joy::joy:
Did you ask ceist for the worst photo of Manchester?
“No older ceist, worse” :slightly_smiling_face:

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Shure ok mate.

Has something significant happened to Manchester in the last 6 months? It’s a grim concrete jungle.

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Manchester is a great spot now, amazing transformation. That stat that 500 people lived in the centre in the 80s and 60,000 live there now sums it up well, a brilliantly vibrant spot. From what I can see the rents there are not that much different than they were 15 years ago, because the market has been allowed build what the population requires. But I suppose its more important that nothing is built in Dublin that interrupts views of The Custom House, even if it means the city is an abomination at night time and young people are emigrating to places like Manchester due to a lack of affordable accommodation.


I wouldn’t think there’s many people emigrating from Dublin to Manchester.

I’d say you could be surprised. There are 5 from a dance school local to me here who have all moved over in recent months, a lot of creative sorts attracted to the place.

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There was a chap in the ward I was in who said he was going to go and live in Manchester this year. A lad of African parentage who was out of Dublin a few years via a couple of different country towns. Lovely young fella and sharp as a bell, one of those lads who if he got a chance and given a bit of luck could make a big contribution to society.


I met 2 ould fellas at the mart last week that are selling the sucklers and moving to Manchester.


How would you know?

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Ironically the tall cluster in Dublin is going to be all around the Customs House. Way to go DCC.

A lass in the Tri club also recently moved to work with the BBC. Nowhere near as many as used to sadly or actually probably not.

This is the area around the Apollo. The worst bit of Manchester I’d say tbh.
I don’t think Manchester is nicer than Dublin, Dublin’s location will always mean it’s nicer, but the trajectory of Manchester has been remarkable, and it’s now an awful lot nicer and an awful lot safer than it was 20 years ago, and you can rent a nice flat in a nice part of town for reasonable money.