The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)


I think it’s inevitable.

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Una right again

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Good point starting with fossil fuelled SUVs.


Una in New York a couple of months ago to visit a Brooklyn based Ibiza inspired discoteca.

Not really. People like their cars and if they can figure out EV long term they will continue.

There’s absolutely no excuse for them… Half Douglas/ Rochestown/ BlackRock must have one


The roaring hypocrisy of these green zealots is the ultimate reason why many of their policies will never see the light of day. When you strip away all the hyperbole and alarmism all you see is rules for thee and not for me. Its why no one takes them seriously. China were opening up 2 coal power plants a week in 2022. They have quadrupled their gigawattage of coal power capacity in no time at all. Yet Eamon thinks they have a green revolution. He’d prefer to cull the national herd instead.
He was over there before the Tianamen Square massacre of student protesters in 1987. He was probably tracing his footsteps all these years later with the elephant in the room being the uyghur community and human rights abuses against them.
Here he is below almost wetting himself at the thoughts of a 1 world dictatorship. Most people would have a moral stance and not visit countries like Russia and China for a myraid of reasons. If anything China are enabling Russia now and their backing is going to result in a 10 year war. He is like Forest Gump with his impeccable timing. Himself, Mullally, Gibbons et al are all the same.


It’s the most middle class area in the country shur

Really? Where’s the evidence, even circumstantial, that Eamon Ryan is “wetting himself at the thought of one world dictatorship” by Russia and China?

I mean, loads of other Irish and European politicians have visited China and plámásed the Chinese, and the simple fact is being a government minister involves travel. The country has to be represented. Talks have to be had with people in other countries, even if they often aren’t very nice people. Do you expect Ryan to do nothing except cycle to and from his office? And that to do anything else would be “hypocrisy”? This is nonsense. It’s like when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was once photographed in a car. “AOC in riding in car scandal!”

Dialogue with despotic regimes like China and even Russia has to be kept open when the issue is a global one such as the climate crisis, because they are major countries and major polluters which exist on this planet. And they have to be plámásed to some extent if we ever hope to get them to change their ways on carbon, we can’t just invade them and shut down their coal fired power plants.

I think now is a fairly unfortunate time to be plĂĄmĂĄsing China because they are helping Russia in trying to genocide a free European country, but rightly or wrongly (in my view wrongly) China has not yet been ostracised by the international community and remains a major trade partner (I suspect this may come to a shuddering halt at some undetermined point in the not too distant future).

I really don’t get why some people are so annoyed by Eamon Ryan putting up a photo of himself on a bicycle in China in 1987. I guess it’s the same reason some people seem to be so annoyed by Paul Murphy and his partner calling their child Juniper. Or me getting annoyed by GAA teams wearing numbers on the front of their jerseys. In the INTERNET age people seem to get irrationally angry at things that simply don’t matter.

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The same people that are annoyed with Eamon Ryan are the same people who call U2 cunts, or specifically Bono, a cunt. They also call Leo a cunt. and call Neale Richmond a West Brit or “Kneel Richmond” oblivious to the jousting he has done with the DUP etc up north on tv and radio over Brexit.

That’s a great amount of nonsense for one post.

People don’t take the policies seriously because it’s easier not to. It’s easier to pretend that mowing dandelions in March doesn’t really matter because everyone else is doing it and one person won’t make a difference. It’s easier to pretend that two SUVs in a driveway has no material impact on the environment when it’s patently not the case.

Unfortunately, most people don’t just start behaving better by themselves. So legislation is required to compel people into acting less selfishly.


China is the world leader in renewables
China is building 75 gw of wind and 100gw of Solar every year
China will be iver 35% of energy from renewables in 2025, ahead of schedule

People or things that make a certain type of (mostly but not exclusively) man irrationally angry:

Eamon Ryan
Roderic O’Gorman
The Guardian
The Irish Times
Keir Starmer
The BBC (the idea of the BBC as a public service broadcaster, as opposed to the Tory plants trying to ruin it from the inside)
Hillary Clinton
Ryan Tubridy
Leo Varadkar’s gayness
Ivana Bacik
Aodhan O’Riordain
Gary Lineker
Transgenderism or anybody remotely in favour of transgender human rights
Covid vaccines


About the same GW as the coal plants they are building each year.

It’s a win win.

They wont be using coal when they have enough renewables

I’m getting increasingly triggered by Keir Starmer. He seems like a complete wet blanket & possibly a cunt. He was quoting Margaret Thatcher in a speech last week & that was the latest thing to irritate me. I understand that @flattythehurdler said he has innate kindness in his eyes but am I wrong to really dislike KS?


I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF

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