The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Don’t drive into town, fly across the world for lesbian art


Do you know of any middle aged reactionary male artists?

I think that’s the point, mate, you don’t get much good art from reactionary middle aged men, unless maybe @artfoley?

Any money Una is one of these useless cunts of adults that can’t drive.

No doubt comrade putin would approve

If you assume Putin is a Marxist, which would be a fairly silly assumption to make.

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Oh with all these beauties it’s rules for thee and not for me…


Incomprehensible gibberish.

Woud these lads be in Cassidy’s this Sunday would you know?

Chris confirms they’ll be there Sunday

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What time would would a handsome middle-aged couple need to be there to get a seat? Apologies for the inquisition!

Everyone stands so you’ll not be seeing much! Get in before the last session of the masters anyway especially if their pal Lowry is in the mix

Unvetted, single, male motorbikers

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There in the storyteller right now.

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You’d get a seat around 6.30/7 o’clock but they wont start playing until after 8.

Well worth the wait though. They are absolutely unreal.

Jack is running some ship in the storyteller @BruidheanChaorthainn

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He was never not going to do well.

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I thought the location was a bit out of the way but it seems to be booming.

Got a lovely burger in there a few weeks back before the 3 Arena.

He’s close to google and it’s residential but ya it’s out of the way alright. He’s a few of the Saracen lads in there tonight. He knows everybody. If Lowry wins the masters he’ll end up there too for a night.

Ya pulling in a load of ex Saracens lads there on a Thursday is very random. Have to hand it to him.

Lowry has promised Hugh in The Boars he’ll bring the green jacket there first. He’ll do some booze tour if he wins.

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