The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Fuck sake Hego.

The Apache fake bacon they put on the pizzas is fair annoying alright

No wonder the Limerick team are coming back down next Sunday

The lad in the shorts went from hero to zero fairly quickly.

One for the β€˜It could have been me’ thread. I walked along there for a pre-match roaster feed and pint in The Celt only last Saturday.

Went in there with herself after the match on Sunday. It’s gone huge out the back. Big changes since last time in.

Yes, they have a huge area now, and are well organised in fairness.


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He went up to Dublin and he walked all over the cunts

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No Twitter, can someone summarise what happened? roaster v skanger?

Twitter seems to be saying the bearded guy was Brazilian. Fighting off assorted skangers.

I hope she’s ok.

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Has anyone accounted for the recent well being of this lady?

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I hope all this bad press doesn’t affect TayTay coming

Fuckin scum.

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The place is gone to hell

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