The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

The street linking the main street in the capital city to one of the main train stations & the main bus station is now a no-go area, even though one of the main police stations in the capital is right there too.


Right beside a Garda station no less.

I’m assuming this is the usual feral teens who roam the city. COVID really did a number of a generation of them who found only trouble without school.

A wider problem now will be violent assaults to get hands in jewellery etc. by junkies. I’d be very wary of letting loved ones go into the city centre with expensive stuff on, particularly given the state of the taxi ordering apps now.

The Garda station is right there. These feral youths will kick someone’s head in within yards of a Garda station. Zero fear of any consequences.

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Foley Street has gone rapidly downhill in the last few years.

There was a hope that the critical mass of the new development at Connolly Street of new apartments would gentrify the north inner city. We need a lot more though- discussions need to be had as to how we can bring more private housing stock into the Talbot/Gradiner/Abbey/Railway St etc area. In fact we need to discuss sacrificing some unsustainable Georgian housing that will never be done up to bring in modern office blocks to bring more variety to the area.

Gerry hutch owns half of it - he’ll decide

How do pubs like Briody’s, Pipers, The Celt etc, keep these scrotes out?

They’re not in looking for pints. They’re content to be out roaming streets

Hutch? I expect the “locals” know the kids as well and tell them to fuck off.

Taoiseach Apologises To Ukrainian Actor Following Vicious Dublin Attack.

I assumed he apologised to Zelenskyy for a minute

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Any muldoon deciding to raise kids in that hellhole needs a serious talking to.

A serious talk will have to take place about where the capital of the new UI will be located. It seems entirely unreasonable to expect us ones up here to accept as violent a city as Dublin to be an appropriate location, it appears large parts of it are a no-go area with a complete absence of law and order. Newry would be a sensible enough compromise suggestion.

I could think of somewhere very multicultural and friendly that would do the job nicely

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But Crossmaglen wouldn’t have the infrastructure needed.


A headstart on helipads I spose

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Somewhere in the centre of the country would be ideal. Meet in the midlands.

Agreed there is huge potential in the Athlone/Mullingar/Tullamore triangle

Country’s in a bad way
Dublin is goosed
Parts of Cork city isn’t great,
Minute compared to Dublin thank God’,
Nevertheless pana( main st) is an eyesore.
Pretend beggars, genuine ones, ppl fucked out of their heads,
Doorways jammed with ppl on gear, drink, or just not with it.
As a country I don’t know how we came to this!

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We are the future

I’m too young to remember the 80s in Cork. What was it like then?

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