The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

It was amazing. What else would it be like?


nuclear explosion GIF

test site?

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70s was sublime
High field hop
Boat club
Cork con
Great styles
Bohemian Rhapsody
Marc Bolan
80s I was gone

Nobody had anything
Music was brilliant
Girls and boys - beautiful
Kindred spirits
Cork hurlers never lost much
Cork Celtic/ Hibs outstanding
Crowds of 18/28 k at big matches

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Derry in the 80s was gloom
Hunger strike
No work
Or shit work
Downtrodden forgotten ppl
Yet never gave up

Taught me survival


Fair play to you. I only remember going to Cork in the early 90s. I remember several good musical instrument shops that donā€™t exist anymore unfortunately.

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This should improve things on Oā€™Connell Street.

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Is that true though? I generally assume anyone on Twitter with a handle like that and a flag is a headbanger


Not sure to be honest. Thereā€™s not much that hasnā€™t been flagged thus far that hasnā€™t come to be in a short enough time though either. There seems to be a steely determination to make wrong decisions quickly by the govt at the moment though.

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Itā€™s a right wing headbanger account who encourages people to run asylum seekers out of Ireland and uses the caption Irelandisfull. Youā€™d hope anyone with a bit of decency would be embarrassed to share anything from it.



Canā€™t be true
1000 ppl in one place ?
Mini ballymum flats and all the problems it had

Kellyā€™s music shop , next to the capitol cinema

Shanahans diwn Oliver Plunkett st

Looks far fetched but the way things are goingā€¦

Thereā€™s a strategy behind all the leaks anyway so itā€™s probably a deliberate curve ball.

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The same lad tweeted last week that immigrants are gang raping children who are under the care of Tusla .

Heā€™s obviously an impeccable source for any immigrant related stories.


Irish Times ran the same story this week without the immigrants bit. Thereā€™s a bit more to that story it seems, but people are jumping to Rotheram comparisons.

Unfortunately thereā€™s a kernel of truth in his statement
spokesperson side stepped answering the ethnicity of said perpetrators-
They are non Irish, thatā€™s as far as they went ,
They admitted that kids in care were groomed by much older men- reading between the lines itā€™s groups of non Irish-

Similar to what went on in the n of England .
Fact thatā€™s not being denied by tusla ,
It is happening but their not prepared to say by whom,or their nationality

If it was a bunch of Cork men for example that groomed kids, youā€™d say that there are cunts everywhere and that doesnā€™t make all of Cork a bunch of cunts or deviants.

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Itā€™s amazing that everyone is up in arms about the far right that consists of around 20 clowns, but donā€™t give a fuck that the streets are lawless with gangs of cunts running around hammering the shit out of people. No consequences for that. Our gowl of a minster on every day for the last six months yapping about the hate crime bill and the far right, but ignores the most important part of her job.


Well maybe post the Irish Times article rather than the poisonous nut jobā€™s tweet that you did post.


I think both should be tackled. Gardai either under-resourced and/or underperforming.

There is a rise in far right loons out there too. If we donā€™t tackle it soon, itā€™ll be a bigger problem.