The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Maybe fuck off? Itā€™s a forum, not your curated echo chamber.

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Easy way to stop the far right is to allow open discourse around topics like refugee numbers. Every politician is terrified to open their mouth as the media will label them far right nazis. They have given oxygen to a few right wing clowns.

Thereā€™s around 4000 more guards now than there was in 1993 and I havenā€™t seen one of the cunts on the streets in month. What the fuck are they at?


100% agree with you here. Are they all doing paperwork or doing fuckall? Visibility a huge issue


That smurf of a minister couldnā€™t give a fuck either it seems.


hiding in speed vans all over the country

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Youā€™ve become radicalised by headbangers trying to get #IrelandIsFull trending on Twitter every day & are have taken to posting their disinformation tweets. Itā€™s absolutely chilling.


Eir were inside there until 18 months ago or so itā€™s still an office block barring they are going to give them sleeping bags

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I remember Russells music, Crowleys, and there were a few others, small ones, I canā€™t recall. Pro Musica obviously still going.

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:clap:t2: your situationā€™s only as bad as your attitude

Cork was so good you left it for misery in Derry :grinning:

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Communities are finished

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Why is Dublin so violent? Every single person that I meet in England I tell to to visit anywhere in Ireland except Dublin, Fly to Cork, Shannon or Knock


I tell tourists that the wild Atlantic way is the only safe place in Ireland. Itā€™s why Limerick can never be allowed into it, despite how often they beg for admission.


The poor unfortunate victim wasnā€™t even robbed. Seems like it was a violent beating just for the hell of it.

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Doesnā€™t matter as long as it wasnā€™t a hate crime. You could say it didnā€™t even happen at all.

if it was a Ukrainian, Varadkar would be apologising to Zelensky


Thatā€™s true

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Something radically wrong with our country

Except n of the border
Still v strong
But I expect that to change also,
Though tbh those I know day itā€™s still a case of looking out for each other up there in the different established areas

Blame feckin SF the bastards
Specifically Traolach Mac Suibhne cumainn

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