The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Think that’ depends largely on your environment

Give over, chief.

Being classed as radicalised means that I can’t do a future 180 on my opinions on TFK and manoeuvre to a safer rock. Mildly and temporarily influenced by algorithms is better for all…

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It just isn’t good enough. Excuse after excuse given out.

We need more prison space and the crows of “it doesn’t work in America” need to stop.

The US doesn’t do the carrot approach, we do (and can do more).

look at the state of McEntee, Minister of justice my hole, more interested in getting likes for wokery than dealing with actual crime


Fair enough BB. Apologies for the sailor language.

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Cork was grim enough on the 80s but at least there was no hard drugs so we could look down on Dublin,
It seemed like every working man in Cork was laid off in a six month period around 1983, where I grew up almost everybody’s da worked in Ford or Dunlops and ended up in the Labour exchange, tough times, Cork city had little to advertise itself

But you wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else on earth like :man_shrugging:

I have great memories of Crowleys and Lee music on McCurtain streets, Les Pauls and Strats just asking to be taken down :grinning:

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Accept certain inalienable truths
Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too, will get old
And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young
Prices were reasonable, politicians were noble
And children respected their elders. Respect your elders

Be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past
From the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts
And recycling it for more than it’s worth


Where I bought my first few guitars. In Crowleys. I remember the bloke there was a massive Rory / strat fan, kept saying I should buy a strat. I foolishly ignored him and paid ÂŁ500 for some pointy headstock Charvel. A great guitar but bloody ugly. Sold it on at a loss years later.


Crowleys , forgot them
Russell’s I remember as the best bookshop in Cork
( Liam was a Republican of old stock)

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Kelly’s music shop on the Grand parade gave Gallagher huge pr and backing at the v start,
Remember meeting him in there,
Heard him a few times in the city hall but honestly was too naive to understand I was in the presence of musical genuis,
Bobby Kelly owner and gent was my old man’s best friend and introduced me to him,
But I hadn’t a clue,
I was queen, slade etc

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There’s a book in you Corkie.

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The term “justice” is gone out the window in this country. They are literally laughing at the guards and justice system. Police stations are completely understaffed. Guards that do their job get in trouble whilst lads with hundreds (hundreds!) of previous convictions walk around.


You mugged yourself off there badly; the Strat would have held it’s value

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Big time. A book in there @Corksfinedtboy

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100%. When I think of what I ignored on the wall that would have cost 500 punts back then. Jazzmaters, Jaguars, Rickenbackers maybe, a decent Les Paul… etc

Probably. Depends.

Yeah depends on the factory it is made in I guess but older guitars are making serious coin nowadays

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At least get on to the two norries podcast and have a good auld yarn about Cork.

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