The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

The Timmy boy was some looper in his day
And couldā€™ve possibly have made it as as professional footballer

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My buddy was on it with them
Don O Leary
Of the Cork life centre
Went up North originally with him
Worth a listen

I listened to it. Good listen.

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Heā€™s a dear friend
Gem of a human being
Good craic aswell

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Weā€™ll get Corkie his own pod.

ā€œThe painters radioā€


Gway ya devil

No more radio
All on the phone :telephone_receiver:

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If only he had another Astro turf football pitch.


Little cunt needs a dose of justiceā€¦ Steven Seagal style.


If only they had opened more restaurants in the area, this could all have been avoided.

Fucking scum. Violent crime should end up in extensive prison time, non violent crime or crimes not against people rarely if ever should bring incarceration. No way woke dail eireann has the stomach for it so failing that theyā€™ll have to paper Dublin with CCTV to keep an eye the skangers. As the dubs refuse to be accountable for their own.


What do you think should be done about the city centre and those type of young lads? Iā€™m not saying this in a confrontational way btw I think you usually have an interesting view on this type of stuff if obviously skewed a small bit by your background and experience (like everyone else)
Obviously those particular lads should be locked up but I mean in general

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Un fuckin real
Scrotes of scrotes

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Need fuckin sorted

We need to get firmer with policing and sentencing.

I think we have failed a generation who were between 12-18 during COVID (hopefully we can arrest the issue in those younger) by cowardly closing schools longer than necessary.

I think that has accentuated a problem that has been there for a while with younger teenagers who are now more exposed to drug dealing and other anti social behaviour.

The idea that it is down to a lack of facilities and ā€œjobsā€ is bullshit. That is the carrot approach and it should stay as it stops more kids from falling down this path but we have to stop pretending that we donā€™t need a firmer hand in policing and more prison places. Shit behaviour has to be punished.

In Dublin generally there has always been mini Hamsterdamā€™s with most of the areas of the city completely fine but this started to erode post crash as aggressive begging became accepted and then COVID happened.

Iā€™d have three main concerns for the city- the lawlessness of some kids, crack cocaine and general drug use on the rise and more acceptable and also the more cashless society. A cashless society will likely make violent assaults more common as jewellery becomes one method of raising cash.

If terms of the north inner city, we need to pay whatever it takes to get one of the major accounting, legal or a tech firm to move somewhere in the Oā€™Connell Street vicinity. 90% of them are located on the southside and the other 10% are located just over the bridge. You have firms looking at the Grand Canal and suburban office blocks over the north inner city. We have to face up to the fact that retail is dead and the USP of the north inner city is gone.


Tim, you should run for Mayor! Youā€™re amazing! You have all the answersā€¦.

Shares in another shopping centre?

Bang on about lockdown. The scrotes had the streets to themselves. Cheap cocaine, a lack of real policing along with social media all impacting, big rise in knife culture. Same shit happening in Galway, lots of intimidation and lower level assaults.


Ireland is over shopped mate. Good news about the LDA thoughā€¦.


Id be pretty confident that the group of 20 young lads involved in these attacks, saw little school before and after covid.


Problem with Dublin centre is the concentration of scrotes living in social housing so close to the city centre. The percentage of social housing in D1 must be incredible.

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