The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

You’d have to seriously question the minister for justice. Those feral youths don’t have to contemplate any consequences for their actions.

Our government seem to be more concerned with hate speech online rather than appalling street violence.


As D1 is completely lawless why not have an army post every one or two junctions. They have it in Rome and Paris near all major tourist attractions.

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Who knows. There’s always been feral shits but it has multiplied.

Saw little parenting more like


If McNulty tries anything again just call the nogra.


She’s a fuckin numptie
only there because of the gender gap etc etc
Hasn’t a notion.
Lives in la la woke land.


She became a politician simply because her father died and it was an easy seat for FG to win


These junkies and winos are tolerated in urban centres in Ireland. Abbey Street LUAS a prime example, always begging at the machines there. Of course these people have to be treated with compassion and multiple suspended sentences. It’s societies fault, zero individual responsibility for anti social behaviour.

Same when you get off the train at Colbert Station. Terrible first impression to visitors.


That’s the nub of it.

Colbert station has had an antisocial element associated with it back as far as I can remember. The country definitely needs more gardai walking the streets. I remember even back in the late 90s around Colbert station there was terrible shit going on. Drinking, violence, general mayhem. It hasnt changed really either. Often a murder there once every couple of years. Serious assault last weekend there too of a woman.

Has Dublin centre ever been safe or a good place to go? Its over 20 years ago since i lived on Little strand Street just off Capel st and it was not a place where youd be out late on your own. Avoided O Connell street at all costs and would make sure not to walk back alone at night. Always scobes around looking for trouble.

Moved out Rathmines direction after that and whilst never perfect, it was by a large distance much better than inner north city. And that side of o connell St would be much better. Never gardai to be seen, lads openly taking drugs on the likes of the alley way off strand st to middle abbey st. The streets around bus aras the same, absolute dregs around it.

And this was nearly 25 years ago when I was there. One way of looking at it is nothing has been done to fix it, but the shite about blaming ‘woke’ for this or that McEntee is responsible is just more mud slinging. I’m not saying shes doing a good job, but this issue was there long before she was minsiter. This incident just is an easy way to give more shit that has no relevance to what happened.


McEntee is the minister for justice. She is responsible. Ff/Fg are responsible for the shit show in justice and in health.


I was in the UHL recently. Its like a third world hospital with 80 or 90 people on trolleys in corridors for upto 72 hours.

Its a massive scandal to be honest. You’d feel very sorry for the staff there. Its desperate. Nothing is said about it though nationally.


Online anti-woke right wing culture has an awful lot to answer for. The McGregor stuff and this largely online “blame everybody else, blame the system” and especially “blame immigrants”, it’s all very reminiscent of the Trump stuff.

Attacks have always happened but there wasn’t always an online culture whipping them up, and there wasn’t always scum like Philip Dwyer and the other sad excuses for men targeting working class areas to get involved in fascism.

Stuff like this. This account is there specifically to whip up criminal behaviour by whipping up anger against refugees and immigrants in general with bullshit phrases like “the Irish people have had enough”. These sort of phrases are used only to legitimise criminal behaviour.

Accounts like this are ten a penny. It isn’t Paul Murphy encouraging such criminal behaviour. The encouragement of this criminal behaviour comes only from the right-wing.

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its somebodies elses fault as usual


The north inner city was always gritty but places like Henry Street attracted in a broad audience during the day so that masked some of the issues. Shopping is dead now so nothing really attracts people to the north inner city other than some isolated cultural spots. They’ve even ruined the Savoy…

Things have gotten a lot worse in the last few years generally. A lot of the problems have spread out. The south is still mostly grand but the lawlessness and junkie behaviour has spread (and grown).

I think the city had made a fair fist of sorting out the heroin problem by the 2000s. The lads are all smoking crack now so it’s a different beast.

One of the issues the guards have now I’d say is that things like dealing on the Boardwalk (which most Dubliners knew to avoid) now ends up on social media so the “containment” zones don’t last. That lane on Abbey Street seems to be where a lot of them decamped to.

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Elderly people from all across Clare/Limerick and Tipp coming in there and they’re in a massive queue straight away. Its shocking to be honest. I was taken aback seeing it. Its no way to treat people who arent well.

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Health, Justice, it doesn’t matter, every wanker who comes in as a minister is only in for money and expenses, “oh it would take huge reform to sort out the HSE” hello? its your fucking job!

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Modern right wing culture always says somebody else is to blame for bad things other than those to blame.

Specifically, immigrants are always blamed.

The narrative is “we’re sick of our areas being INVADED by the n*****s and the eastern Europeans. This therefore legitimises our right to engage in criminal behaviour.”

And a lot of people here buy that bullshit, or do not push back against it at all.

If you are over 70 and need urgent treatment in UHL, god help you.