The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

There’s no appetite for reform, well there is but they’ll sell their souls to keep sinn fein out

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police having to stop the far right attacking buildings & the same people ask why arent the police patrolling the city


Doctors diagonising multiple people on trolleys in a corridor.

I knew it was bad there but I didnt realise it was that bad. Horrific to be honest.

Zero accountability for it.

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The Gardai are scared of their shite of the far right. That’s part of the problem. They should be beating them off the streets and definitely beating them out of libraries.

The irony is these anti-LGBT fanatics are the biggest shower of paedos around.

4 weeks ago I know a 75 year old woman with a serious heat condition that had to sit on a chair for 15 hours, then got a trolley in a corridor for another 24 hours before getting a proper bed in a ward, I couldn’t believe what i was seeing


You’ll be called a fascist for saying that mate

Its not good enough. Theyre pouring money into it and getting nothing in return realistically. UHL especially is a scandal. Zone A there past the A&E is like a warzone.


Ireland lags behind almost all other European countries in healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP.

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Maybe true mate, I’ll take your word for it, but the closure of smaller A&E’s in the mid-west has proven to be an abject failure.

Whats going on there at the moment in UHL is abhorrent. 100 people on trolleys every day of the week as there are no beds. Its desperate.

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Can’t argue with facts

Another one here

Being one of the richest countries in the world and not spending money on society isn’t a good thing


Absolutely shameful stats


If you want shit wherever you are you’ll find it.

Dublin is okay. It’s like every other city. Keep your head about you. No bollox. You should be fine.


The areas around railway stations the world over tend to be kips. There are exceptions but generally you would want your wits about you. A unique Oirish problem it ain’t.


Anyone with half a brain know this is horseshit.

We’re not one of the richest countries in the world?

The same lads who probably shit on about Leperchaun Economics when our GDP is mentioned.

We’re one of the most indebted countries in the world with a third world public transport infrastructure, shite healthcare and massively underfunded education sector. How many years since the foundation of the state have we had a budget surplus?


We’re top 20 for top taxed countries in the world

Where is all the money going ?

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