The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Are you familiar with the amount of grants on offer in this country at the moment?

I am not. I’ve never availed of any

The tap is on in Ireland. Any organisation not availing of it would be very very foolish. Yet another sports capital grant announced only a few days ago. Fill yer boots, it’s not gonna last forever.

Metro, dart west and dart north

A proper country would have rail links to their main airport/airports


The poor lads who beat that American tourist to a pulp are just victims of far-right propaganda.


A children’s hospital that will cost the same as three Burj Khalifas


Can you imagine the strokes that have been pulled during the building of it? That where Grant Thornton should be getting the magnifying glass out for

Somebody is making an absolute killing off of it.

Obviously, but she wouldn’t be at one of the highest positions in the country but fir her gender,

Must be better more able women in Irish politics even in that dastardly bunch of conservative misfits known as FG,
Shes the wrong person for the job,
ALL my own opinions,
Anyways she’s pushing through this hate speech crap and it’ll be the end of her,
As SF and co wouldn’t pass it in its current layout,
Hope she gets flicked into political oblivion,
Won’t be in the job in 12 months anyway


she’s everything that is wrong with the country at the moment, she’s more worried about a few snowflakes getting upset on the internet than people actually getting the shit kicked out of them on the streets of Ireland


Extra Gardai on the streets would have minimal impact. The scrotes might be caught but the jails are full. If you’ve lads walking free after being convicted then there’s no deterrent. Covid being blamed for anti social behaviour is a good 'un though.

The city has deteriorated massively since COVID

High cost of rent and rates in city centre locations forcing businesses to close. More and more people purchasing on line. People working from home and not being cattle herded into city locations. All these things were there pre covid. Covid just quickened the process. There was no anti social behavior in any city centre location prior to covid right enough.

That’s not what I said. Message is visible above

It isn’t a uniquely Irish thing. Most western cities have suffered since COVID.

Ireland and the US will probably see some of the worst results as we kept the schools closed longer than our European peers.

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I expect the current lot to be voted back in after the next election, Sinn Fein won’t be able to run the country and I think voters will think the same. The lads running government departments and the likes of the HSE etc would give them the runaround and any reforms SF have in mind wouldn’t get far.

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Wholeheartedly agree

People have realised that they don’t need to be shepherded into city locations and can have a more fulfilling life working from home. Time wasted on a pointless commute is now spent with family, friends, hobbies etc. You can blame covid or covid restrictions for anti social behaviour. You predicted a lot of post-covid doomsday scenarios at the time. Very few if any have come to pass. People have changed how they live and you have a problem with that. Admirable that you suddenly have concern for the safety of vulnerable people though. Or maybe you have financial interest in commercial real estate in Dublin.

Hope you’re wrong