The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Ireland is finished if the Shinners get in, that lad chairing the PAC committee who asked Noel Kelly what he was doing at Cadburys, thats the calibre of politician in their ranks. Ireland would become one giant Oā€™Connell Street under Sinn Fein


Kwasi Doherty would tank the economy quicker than Lizz Truss, it doesnā€™t bear thinking about, free money and houses for all the layabouts, the place would be bust in a few weeks


Honestly think SF will be akin to the current FF in their dealings
Iā€™n fact hereā€™s one to ya
Reckon in the future FF/SF will be morphed into one
Radical thinking yes,
But SF just arenā€™t mikes away from FF ideology

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For all the giving out theyā€™ve done a nice job with the bit of the boardwalk down by the Clarence Hotel.


Looks nice, plenty of bike parking. Iā€™d say you wouldnā€™t even need a lock. :grinning:

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Youā€™re talking about a separate issue.

Office attendance is definitely down but thatā€™s not really the problem with the north inner city as it has never been the office capital of Dublin.

It has always had its issues but these have accelerated during COVID.

Other cities are seeing the same thing. It is not all down to one factor but a range of them.

How would you know anyway given you just stay in the box room?

We need new jails. Use our windfall tax take to build a few and execute a few of these cunts of judges that allow the scrotes 100s of convictions.


People blaming the guards. Itā€™s not the guards that embolden these cunts, itā€™s the fact they know thereā€™s basically zero consequences for their actions.


Helen McEntee is more worried about some blue haired tranny on twitter getting trolled than people getting beaten to a pulp


@Cheasty will be along to correct you with another right wing rant.

Sheā€™s the minister for hurty words.


Why would anyone bother their bollix being a guard in Ireland at the moment? You are literally incentivised to do fuck all. Any effort to lock someone up is met with trouble or a judge who is after repeat business

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They should finish that jail off in north county dublin

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2 Billion should do it

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And stop the gravy train?These lads are like ATMs to the free legal aid brigade


The sons, daughters, nephews and nieces of judges. They have it all tied up.

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Every generation thinks things are worse than before.

People donā€™t get half angry enough

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SF are old FF just hampered by the media. The certainly arenā€™t left like Jeremy Corbyn.

They have enough friends in high places to know not to fuck with the economy. They arenā€™t stupid. They have one goal. United Ireland. That is the real reason they will say anything to get into power and be in government north and south.

I think FG and FF will go into coalition again to keep the Shinners out. They will then come under huge pressure to merge.

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