The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

are they not still laundering cash by buying clobber in brown thomas such an TNF and canad goose and then selling it on at knockdown prices?

That’s all forgotten about since Donie Ryan bought him an ice cream

You horrible Cunt

Im a Limerick man of course, extremely proud of it. Have lived in Dublin though almost 25 years, love the city and it’s people. Im a muldoon of course and always will be but that’s grand. Very handy to live up here now too for our residency in Croker!


I bet this is the sort of Cunt who has his youngsters in Limerick jerseys and believing they’re from there

ill take 10 of those dirty cunts any day over wan coked up skanger


id take a coked up skanger of those linseed oil/hash/unwashed arran jumper wearing pompous pricks

Sure Dublin is a big city. You are going to have incidents.

A lot of cities seem to be struggling in the western world for whatever reason.

It’s this right wing rhetoric now that Dublin is unsafe to walk around and it’s complete chaos.

It’s no better or worse than any other time I reckon.

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It’s probably safer at night than during the day.

Incoherent coked up skanger babble.


Agreed. I remember some nightclub became popular circa 2001… it was on Abbey street (Spirit maybe?)… anyway i remember being in Supermacs on O’Connell street on a few Saturday nights around 3am and it was carnage. We had a mate from Headford who was 6 foot 6 and about 20 stone and that’s all that kept us safe.

On a separate night, a mate of mine was going out with Kiwi girl and she had a friend over for a few weeks. The Kiwi fella was a tough cunt but was arrogant as fuck with drink in him. He got in a disagreement with some feral cunts and my own mate went into save him… My mate spent 7k on dental bills over the following 2 years. They kicked the fuck out of himself and the Kiwi.

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I find that impossible to believe


I’d know every nook and cranny on the North Inner City. It’s a hell of a lot safer than it was in the 1980s and there are only a few absolute no go areas now. The notion of driving down Seville Place or Oriel Street at night in the 1980s would have marked you down as a looney tunes.

I wouldn’t take liberties with my safety all the same. I keep my trap shut as a rule.


Where is/was the best spot for dogging?

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Out by the port. I was teaching an ex of mine to drive out there at night. An eye opener. By God!


Methadone stopped most crime

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More lies

Have you ever lived in Dublin for a period longer than a few days?


It’s the lunatics narrative. Trying to desperately create social unrest.

I heard a lad suggest recently car crashes are up this year because of all the Ukrainian and Syrians driving around the place.

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