The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Dublin is finished. You’d want your head examined to be raising a family there

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Of course you would. It’s way easier to fight a hippy than a coked up skanger.

Interesting observation

Having a bad day Bud?

Shame on you

Almost all the breathless tut tutting on this thread is being done by lads who don’t actually live in Dublin. Fellas look at a few youtube clips and read some cuntish indo opinion piece and off they go sermonising and pontificating…Dublin’s grand. You would want to be very unlucky to find trouble if you have a bit of cop on.


Agree with this. O Connell Street and the surrounds are a depressing sight nonetheless

The army needs to be deployed in Dublin

It’s a bloodbath

Dublin is a kip. A dangerous fucking place to go. I wouls never get drunk with the abandon i would in limerick or cork i dublin. You just couldn’t

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It’s nowhere near as rough as Limerick.

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Will you stop lad. Limerick isn’t rough.


It’s the lads going looking for it who find it usually in any city. Coked off their eye balls falling around the place types.

Dublin is a wonderful city and become very diverse too which is great to see.

Of course that doesn’t sit with a certain type of poster on here who want to blame foreigners for everything.


I think next weekend will be one of the biggest weekends in Dublins history I’d imagine.

The place will be absolutely hopping and just watch everyone have a good time.

Of course If there’s an incident or two amongst the two million or so people I’m sure the indo will report it and the screaming Mary’s on here will have all the details.

Limerick is a kip.

The Guards are called to the A&E in the hospital pretty much every night.

It’s not foreigners going around whacked off their head on smack and robbing people. Its anto and fucking dermo. Bury your head in the sand all you want. It’s a fucking kip.


What have you got to back that up like? I would say they’re called to most regional hospitals a lot. I would argue limerick wouldn’t be statistically worse than any city. Maybe the fact they’re catering for many large population centres might skew but you can be sure there is major anti social behaviour in the hospitals in dublin, on a bigger scale

I used to visit someone there almost daily for a considerable period of time and the Guards were always outside the A&E.

Dublin is 20 times bigger than Limerick city probably. It’s no surprise if there is more anti social behaviour.

And Limerick city is pretty dead truth be told.

Dublin is pretty vibrant seven days a week 365 days a year.

Comparing dublins numbers to a town like Limerick is simply silly.

Compare it to other cites of similar size.

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