The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Proper robbed or were you drinking pints in Temple Bar?

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Being renamed Notre Dame Street surely?

Someone has to have thought of that


Where are you seeing that?

Iā€™m out in Dublin regularly enough and see very little if any trouble. That said Iā€™d never dream of drinking around Talbot Street or Inner D1 etc apart from if I was dipping in on the way back from HQ. You wouldnā€™t spend your night drinking in the rough areas of Limerick, Cork or whatever city you were in.
Very very rarely have I seen any trouble across Dame Street, Camden St or around the Streets off Grafton. I have never once got hassle apart from lads asking for a few pound.
Dublin is still and always will be a great city to have a beer in.


The place is fucking filthy

Its like a bigger Athy.

Iā€™ve never been.

Will you be asked for money 16 times while you sit outside drinking a pint there?

Be grateful they only asked and didnt smash your head in with a brick

after the 2016 AI - one of the lads got lost and I was at the corner of the oval there trying to ring him. two antoā€™s robbed my phone in broad daylight, one caught me from behind and the other twisted my wrist and ran off with the phone

Cunts. I can see how this could influence a persons opinion of a place.


I had my Phillipā€™s Savvy mobile phone snatched out of my hand & stolen at the bottom of Gardiner Street in 2002-03.


Anto and Dermo 1-0 @EstebanSexface

Thatā€™s pretty unlucky in a busy spot with loads of people around. It does show Dublin up as a bit dangerous.

All these comments of lads never seeing trouble on a night out in Dublin or that fellas must have been looking for trouble are miles wide of the mark. Iā€™ve never had any bother on a night out in Dublin but Iā€™d probably never be near any establishment I might encounter it. Iā€™ve never felt unsafe anywhere in Dublin either. But the incidents being reported are generally of pretty innocent people, often tourists, being subjects of violent attacks. Thatā€™s totally different to the place being a bit rough or feeling edgey at closing time, itā€™s random extremely violent attacks happening out of nowhere to innocent people on a semi regular basis, thatā€™s clearly an issue.

I chalked it up to experience. At least it wasnā€™t violent.

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Thatā€™s the only incident i had in Dublin. I lived in Hartstown for a while and played ball with Mochtas while i was there. The dubs were all absolutely bang on. I used drink in the roselawn and Buddha Bar in blanch.

The last few years with being at all irelands youā€™d see the absolute fucking state of some lads on the junk walking around unhindered inside in the city centre. During the day even. Itā€™s a mess and its unfortunate, but to flat out not see it or say it doesnā€™t exist is a bit off

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These Garda shill crime journalists sicken my hole. This fella and the likes of Niall Oā€™Connor, Paul Reynolds etc. They are basically just an extension of the Garda press office.

A couple of guards walking around Temple Bar in the middle of the day shouldnā€™t be newsworthy or applauded.


You should really be allowed to absolutely knock the shit out of cunts like this.


Another unvetted military aged male abusing a security guard trying to do a dayā€™s work.

The worst bit is the young child calling him a legend after it. What a cess pit.

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good news! you can

Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997, Section 18 (

off you go

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Whatā€™s this now?