The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Our GDP per capita is more than double the average wage in the country.

We’re filthy rich alright.

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GDP per capital is indeed that you say, what percent is revenue booked in Ireland by the 1500 MNCs that never reaches the Irish economy?

The answer is 40% that’s almost half of Irelands GDP that has no benefit to the Irish economy.


says your man

2015 wants it meme back.

Ireland has a long history of emigration. It’s served us well.

Sure the lad is over in California, or at least thinks he is

Sure Ireland is tiny. If you incredibly well educated you have opportunities all over the world.

You’d be a fool not to go.

It’s the usual crowd trying to create fear.

Go easy mate, his people fought for the country you’re living in but he has chosen not to live in.

The latest thing is to claim that it’s never been worse for the college grad. Far worse than the 1980s and late 2000s. :rofl:

The Shinners were over in Australia a couple of weeks ago playing up to this, ignoring that Australia is facing many of the same housing issues of Ireland.

There’ll never not be a scenario where young Irish people don’t go to Australia, Canada or London for a few years in their droves.

Ok the last part is true but if you don’t recognise that Ireland is a terrible place for young people then you’re being facetious.

Fair enough. Name the parts of the world that are really good for young people by the same metrics. Like low rents and housing availability, good education, well paid jobs and nightlife.


It isn’t a terrible place for young people.

It’s a great place for young people.

Terrible place and yet they come here in their droves from continental Europe. Ask a college educated person from France how things are there.

It has its positives and it has its negatives. But hyperbole does nobody any favours. Ireland has amazing employment opportunities for young people and remains a nice place to live. It also has mediocre weather and housing issues, the latter of which is not really unique anymore.

People lamenting young Irish people going abroad to Australia whilst they are packing themselves high in shared rentals in Melbourne are not being serious.

If things were really that awful then they would all be going to places like Sweden which has an abundance of studios and bedsits that are great for independent living. In reality, most are going abroad for a bit of sun or to live in larger cities for a time.


I can guarantee they won’t be the places Irish people move to.

London is regularly criticised for the state of housing, yet that’s where these young Irish in their coffin ships often end up.

It is some laugh that SF go out to Australia playing that narrative up.


this is the little scrote who cried in court last week to get bail, and look what happens

Teen accused of Temple Bar robbery faces new charges over separate attack (

Australia is incredibly expensive. I’ve any number of friends out there and most of them are drinking way less because it’s so expensive.

You’ve these headcases in Ireland that are trying to create fear and anxiety around the place for no reason.

We need to keep working on our education system. The world is your oyster if you’ve a good education.

The world is your oyster if you can pull a pint, make a coffee or push a wheelbarrow FFS

I don’t think rents are “low” in many places but they’re lower in much of Europe than in Ireland with the benefit of being in cosmopolitan cities with proper nightlife. Lots of younger people find London more liveable than Dublin, that should give pause for thought. More and more people are going to Germany and the Netherlands in particular.

This same conversation was had a decade ago too, young people were emigrating out of need rather than choice according to some. Yes people will always emigrate. But to not recognise the pretty shit conditions for younger people in this country nowadays is a bit silly I think. I wonder is there an attitude of fuck them we all went through so they should too.

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Personally, i dont think London is much more liveable. Better craic maybe. But its very very expensive and accomodation is a shitshow at the moment.
Good to know there are still places out there in germany and the netherlands for people to go. I think young people are getting the squeeze everywhere as control of money and poorer wages and conditions become more widespread.

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