The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Enormously dependent on the big 3 tech companies corporation tax. Overly so.

With an extremely low population density.

What on earth are you on about you dope. All the main outlets had it earlier in the day. I didn’t get it from anyone’s tweets. Jesus Christ.

Your talking about truth and you keep repeating these lies. Below is the tweet you keep referring to. Its from Karl Martin a far right headbanger and he’s claiming rte and the indo reported the man had 5 x bench warrants. There is no record of rte or the indo saying any such thing. But that doesn’t matter to Karl Martin because people like you swallow his unsubstantiated bullshit and regurgitate it repeatedly.

Stick it up here so

I heard it on the radio mate. Think it was 6 0 clock news

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What in the fuck has that to do with anything you’re on about?

We should be close to 40 million people on the island. The famine really was a disaster.

It really was

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@ttown_boy points out patterns and causality just like the far right scum who lied that an electrical fire in a house in Balbriggan was supposedly caused by “African gangs” were supposedly pointing out “patterns and causality”.

If we want to be good at sports we need more immigrants. It’s as simple as that.


Or more poverty. Lots of poverty.

More communism.

We’ll just condemn the immigrants to a lifetime of poverty and exclusion. It’s served the French well

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Wait til @mikehunt and @glasagusban drive the MNC’s out of Ireland, we’ll be flying it

There just isn’t enough prison spaces/detention spaces. Plus the Irish approach to sentencing is all part of the cosy bad joke that criminal justice has become. No consequences for crime so no deterrent. But also little or no thought into the behaviour change needed to reduce recidivism and reintegrate back into society. That takes years of effort, counselling, to socially reintegrate. Right now reintegration amounts to someone getting a month in mount joy being released after five minutes as they don’t have space. How does that benefit society? How does that benefit the offender and give them hope of a better life?

The guards bring people to courts. Serial offenders back on the streets has nothing to do with the guards.

But there needs to be a modernisation and upgrade of the whole process. That takes time and crucially money, there needs to be earlier intervention with young offenders, I think the Irish public should rather that spend than the knock on effect for society for decades, multiples lost in healthcare and mental health services along with custodial services that could be prevented. But they are long term strategies, not the quick praise generators mcentee and a few more seem primarily interested in.


Despite a century of trying Dubliners have proven to be bone useless at soccer.

I suggested on here before that all Dubliners be placed in a meat grinder and their houses given to immigrants. That idea is starting to gain critical mass I feel. It would save Ireland.

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It’s a complete nonsense to refer to Ireland as an extremely wealthy country, only a shill for the government could makes such a claim. If you strip out the leprechaun ecoomics that bloats GDP, Ireland isn’t even in the top quarter of EU countries in terms of real GDP per capita. Then you factor in the cost of living which is 25% higher than the EU average, especially the cost of accomodation, there is nothing wealthy about the country for the majority of it’s population.

I spent the bones of the last three months in Ireland and there are a lot of storm clouds on the horizon. Every young person 20-30 that I spoke to, especially the well educated, are considering emigration. This is backed up by surveys that indicate 60% of that demographic are considering leaving. I read yesterday that there are 30,000 more applications for student accomodation for the upcoming year than available spaces. There were literally no tourists relative to what would have been the norm in prior years. Why would there be?, there are very few hotel rooms available and those that are or AirBnB are price gouging.

The one constant during the trip was never saw a guard walking the streets day or night, spent good few nights in Dublin, Limerick, Cork and Galway and never saw a guard. Not a great enticement for tourists either when they are reading that Irish cities are becoming unsafe.

I think there’s a lot of head in the sand going on. Ireland’s ecomomic growth has been driven by multinational investment, and other than favorable tax rates the #1 reason they chose Ireland was the availability of a well educated workforce. If that cohort start leaving in droves due to the spiralling cost of living, no available accomodation, unsafe streets, and other factors, it won’t be long before the MNCs start to follow them, especially with corporate tax normalization.

You also have a government that appear absolutely clueless to deal with any of these issues, and an opposition party that most likely would make things worse if they gain power.


Young people from a temperate small country want to live abroad for a few years.

There is nothing remarkable about this.

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Make up your mind would you.