The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Based on your 30 somethings mates who are settled?

Facts arenā€™t your friend here.

The examples used for more affordable rent (even by you) is parts of continental Europe. That is not London and that is not where the majority of young Irish go outside of an Erasmus year. It is London, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Toronto, Vancouver etc. They are going there to often do the exact same thing theyā€™d do here (overpay rent for subpar accomdation) but just in sunnier climates or bigger cities.

Nobody said the rent situation wasnā€™t shit. But on the flip side, we have some of the best employment opportunities for young people in the world. Have you checked the youth unemployment in the last decade in some of those countries?

You are indulging in hyperbole and laughably defending London here when it shares many of the worst elements of Dublin life.

I feel if @glasagusban would just withdraw his glib assertion that London is better we could draw a line under this and move on to arguing about other cities etcā€¦


it is if youre getting a COLA

I see the Iā€™m alright jack, fuck the youngsters are out in force.
60+ % of under 30s are still living with mammy.


Simple facts but the Iā€™m alright jacks donā€™t want to acknowledge it.

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Itā€™s no surprise these stats pop up.

People live longer.

People start school later.

People stay in school longer.

People go to college then for 4 to 5 years.

People are having kids and getting married older ie settling down.

People are travelling a lot more now than before.

All this means a lot of people are only starting to work at maybe 23/24.

Posters on here are incredibly out of touch.

I did all those things but wasnā€™t living with mammy at 30ā€¦Had my first house bought by then, they have no chance of doing that now

Now the awkward crew are upset because mammy and daddy built a house with five bedrooms in the middle of a green field site and kids are happy to actually live in their homes.

Most kids left home at 18 or 19 because they were employed and there was no longer room for them at home.

What the name of Jesus would you be doing buying a house before 30?


The shrewd fellas have neary 50 acres in the pocket by the time theyā€™re 30.

Ok. A number of friends have over recent years found it easier and more affordable to find rental accommodation in London than in Dublin. Thereā€™s nothing that mad about that statement, the rental market in Dublin has been in crisis for a long time. Itā€™s particularly acute for anyone looking for a new rental unit. Weā€™d be better off if people would just recognise the scale of the problem and working from there rather than trying to deny it.

What part of London exactly ?

Iā€™ve brother in London. A sister in Paris and a sister in San Fran.

We are no better or worse than other city.

Major cities in the western world are all facing massive issues. It isnā€™t unique to Dublin.

I got a lovely apartment in Southbank for very reasonable money pre-covid. I didnā€™t have to look too hard either

Why donā€™t these young people stop lying to themselves and us and admit theyā€™re moving away for better weather?



Lads left in the 80s with a shovel and Rosary beads.

Now young people are heading off with first class degrees all over the world.

The awkward crew are still whinging.

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Itā€™s obvious that you are the one out of touch, no real life experience at all, from what youā€™ve posted over the years you are wholly unrepresentative of the younger generation


Tim will be along shortly to say that no you didnā€™t.

Anyway yeah, thatā€™s the experience of people moving to London and despite hardly being an example of an ideal to hold up itā€™s a far sight better than Dublin.