The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Doubling down like ryan tubridy… good man.


This is undoubtedly the case. In part because London is so vast, there is inevitably a higher turnover of places, but it’s certainly true. You could end up with a long enough commute though.
I’d rather live in Dublin any day of the week though, unless on huge money. It’d take an awful lot to make me live in London v


London is fine if you’re a man without a family. I personally couldn’t raise a family in either Dublin or London though

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What’s odd about it?

I’d a few friends who done a year in the states with their post grad visa who are sticking around for year maybe two before travelling/heading for Australia.

They happy out at home for the time being.

It’s just the same lads miserable in their 40s and 50s about everything. Always the same.

New York the same.

It’s a younger man’s game.

I don’t really see what you find objectionable here. Lads are taking it as an some sort of personal slight that Dublin is a worse rental market than London. It’s silly stuff.

Because you’re talking through your hole again.

Nah. You had a little outburst. I just think it’s funny you picked london which has the same problems in terms of cost of living and finding accomodation. Despite plenty of articles posted showing you it youve gone the enda kenny way of ‘I know a man with two pints…’
London is a great spot, i lived there. But it costs an absolute fortune now and rental is very difficult. Same as dublin. I am interested in the netherlands and germany for when mrs J finally kicks me out…

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As soon as any foreigner commits a crime you hop on it like a rabbit. The Luas is unsafe because of foreigners like this lad? Really? My wife uses it plenty and while she’s seen and heard of plenty of hassle it is caused by a certain grouping and they ain’t foreign.

Part of being in the EU is allowing people free movement. Being part of a global economy/society means taking in immigrants fleeing wars/persecution. I think both are good things. Of course there will be some negative aspects but in the main the positives far outweigh them. Because of an irrational fear/distrust of foreigners, people like you tend to focus on the negatives. People like you are the problem. Spreading lies and untruths.


You weren’t so hot on free movement of grandmothers a while back…

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Ireland is a great place to be young. Cheap flights to all over Europe.

We are blessed with j1s for travelling to America.

English speaking which is incredibly handy when abroad.

Excellent job opportunities at home despite being a tiny country.

Our education system is good. Seems to be a large percentage of people getting good degrees which opens up opportunities around the world.

We need to keep improving our education system and making it as cheap as possible for all kids to get a good education.

We are really blessed here when you see what’s going on around the world. Spoilt even truth be told.

There’s a lot of bitter people on here younger people can head away at the tip of a hat with no worries get really good jobs and have a great life style abroad.


you seem to have an awful want in you for people to be jealous of your life as if your some kind of Jordan Belfort character…

I wouldn’t swap my life for yours for all the tea in China

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I wouldn’t expect anybody to want to swap my life. My life is for me not for you.


you didn’t address my first point, notably

I’m not talking about my life here at all.

I don’t have any third level qualifications.

I haven’t lived abroad for a prolonged period of time but the majority of my friends are abroad now.

more power to them. life comes at you fast, don’t be worrying about what other lads are up to

There is no point i made there that’s about me at all. You just tried to insult me for no reason.

There is a cohort of people on here who expect young people to live their lives the way they lived there’s.

Buy house at 27, get married at 29 etc.

That’s all gone out the window now.

Some fellas don’t like it for whatever reason.

So you desperately tried to insult me and now two posts later you are agreeing with me.

you’re an awful fucking fanny, you’re desperately trying to insult lads all day about being bitter and shit… grow up to fuck