The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Whether Far Left or Far Right, if your first thought upon hearing children have been stabbed is to wonder about the nationality of the attacker, then you are a cunt.


Ah herself and Paschal will be along soon to tell us Dublin is safe


Yeah thatā€™s our major concern alright. Yourself and @EmilioButragueno should read @dodgy_keeper post.

as theyre escorted by a platoon of rangers down parnell st

I think Celtic are more popular in that area.

Even before today Dublin, a great city, has gone to fuck. Open drug dealing and drug use around the city centre and boardwalk.

McEntee has been absolutely useless. She has done nothing to help the rank and file Gardai who face an impossible task.


All the cities have gone to fuck man.
It seems like there are no guards anywhere.

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Childā€™s school bag visible in some of the photos. I feel sick just looking at it.


Place reeks of Gotham alright. There was a huge outcry when an american tourist was attacked in Templebar last year. Taskforce was set up and McEntee was meeting with guards to discuss various unprovoked attacks. This incident will be like scorched earth by comparison. Dublin has probably descended more into the mire since then. Hard to think her job is tenable.

Anybody that doesnā€™t want mass pogroms against immigrants on the back of this is a supporter of the attacker, apparently.

stop putting up pics of TSG!

Was only talking to someone about this the other day.

Canā€™t remember the last time I was stopped by a Guard at a checkpoint. They seem to have given up on them since Covid.

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Those checkpoints during the pandemic were a disgrace, but we urgently need them back now the pandemic is over.

The main story I read about the guards in recent weeks was that none of the Chief Superintendents were going for the Deputy Commissioner job because ,

wait for it ,

in all seriousness ,

their pension pots were too big already and the job would tip them over a ā‚¬2million pension pot valuation with tax implications so what was even the point.

They wanted the tax laws changed for them specifically - hence the moany articles to the usual crime correspondent Gardai PR mouthpieces.

Iā€™m no expert but Iā€™m not sure the leadership culture in our beloved Gardai is exactly on point at the moment,


Going by who we had at the top prior to Harris this is hardly a surprise. A rotten corrupt organisation.

Letā€™s call a spade a spade - she didnā€™t get that Ministerial appointment on ability.

Her legacy will be this hate speech thing as crime sky rockets - weekly serious assaults, the country swimming in cocaine and Garda numbers dwindling.


How the fuck does a Garda have a 2m pension pot?

Horseshit. Dublin was never a great city

What a hoot to see the ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€ merchants blaming the Gardai for this.

The Gardai cannot be everywhere.

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