The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

But @Arthur columbo’d there was already??

To be fair, I think that they have benefits that are the actuarial financial equivalent of a private €2m pension pot

She’s been in the job three years now. In two of those years templemore was shut down. Can you explain how the present circumstances in AGS are specifically her fault?

The organisation has been fucked by successive terrible ministers I think.

Cos she’s a woman

My auld lad reckons she’s “fucking useless” and it’s a disgrace that Harris was commissioner for the centenary :rofl:

That’s obviously true and bad things will always happen - particularly in larger cities.

That being said it has been repeatedly pointed out my many many people over the last couple of years of the sense of increased risk and crime in Dublin. The Guards can’t be everywhere but they could certainly look to increase them being on the ground somewhere to curb that.

The point about checkpoints was raised earlier (you may have scoffed at it). Take drink driving as an example. The Guards clearly can’t be everywhere but if they have an increased number of random breathalyser checkpoints then the enforcement message goes out loud and clear that if you drink and drive you’re at more risk of being caught. The same broad rule would apply to other policing in the city I would have thought…


Harris had his uses but it’s time for a peacetime general

I don’t argue with any of that but you cannot prevent a total nut from carrying out a random crime by having lads on the beat.

The implication by a not insignificant number of people is that you can. You can’t.


Stop and search for knives. If you have one and aren’t a chef or a butcher then off for a five year stretch.


The gardai have not been well supported by successive governments and you can’t turn around a big organisation like that overnight. The starting salaries are currently shit and we’re in an economy with full employment so hard to see where they magic up another couple thousand gardai from overnight.

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The civil liberties nuts now demanding a clamping down on civil liberties. You can’t make this stuff up.

Those fuckers would have Noreen back like a shot. ‘You’re going to have to pay us to stop being corrupt’

FFG happy to let Harris take the heat for resource limitations. Like most Civil Service outfits the Guards want resources allocated to service providers rather than users.

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Randomly searching people in the streets for weapons sounds quite draconian. I’d be rightly pissed off if a Garda asked to pat me down.
Crazy to blame the Gardai or the Minister for Justice when a lunatic carries out something like that


Just search the ones that don’t look Irish


Civil liberties as long as we like of the look of you.

Berating the minister in this instance shows a deep ignorance of how politics/governance works.

Your opinion here or anywhere must be put in the context of your support for two of the most corrupt cunts ever to crawl out from between a mothers legs

Dubin 1995-2000 was prime civilization


Yeah it would be draconian alright.

But random drink driving checkpoints, drug searches and during Covid travel checkpoints have been used and may be viewed as draconian.

There seems to be an increase in knife carrying which needs to be addressed.

Bikes seem to be robbed with impunity in Dublin City centre. Locked bikes that take 3 or 4 minutes to cut loose. That shouldn’t happen in a city centre.

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Twas mighty, but a great city it never was