The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Eh… :flushed:


Youll be grand mate. Youll open your mouth and they’ll turn away as soon as they hear your accent…

That dickhead with the GAA podcast has officially called for Helen McEntee to resign.

Not that one, the other one.

Very important that we get the official line from all sports podcast hosts on this, otherwise they’re supporters of the attacker.

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Shane Saint Stapleton?

Derrick Lynch?

The first one

Thanks mate. It’s difficult to differentiate between these muldoon GAA journalists who are peddling agendas other than something related to a local stick fighting derby.


No doubt McGregor will wade into this

News reports of the woman and young girl saying their condition is serious. The only positive is they didn’t use word critical. God help them.


I don’t think there is a more despicable cunt out there at the moment. The very mention of his name makes my blood boil.

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The lady who intervened was on Newstalk half an hour ago. Herself and an American lady disarmed the attacker and then stopped people from attacking the attacker. Bit of mob justice might have been apt in this incident but what bravery from those 2 ladies. Absolute heroes.


She’s a grandmother and all. Serious set of (metaphorical) stones on her

Men need to become more like women.

Five years of age.

Defies belief.

Really? Jozef Puska anyone

She was in the area because she was attending a Stardust protest across the road. Came across extremely well in the interview and was downplaying her part. A special person I’d say.

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You dont fucking mess with those innercity ladies.

If it’s confirmed tonight that the attacker was a foreign national the North inner city could explode

Lots of far right accounts spreading completely unfounded rumours the five year old girl has died.

Absolute scum.

Yeah I caught a bit of it. Was out for a rushed McDonalds before the football started.

Old school bravery. Not for likes or social media credit.