The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

The rumours on X are that he is

Ya, they were out there within minutes, along with reports he’d stabbed the child to death.

Look like it has. This could be Dublins Rodney king

Some really worrying rumours doing the rounds, hope to God they don’t turn out to be true.

Relax lads

I wouldn’t fancy being a guard there tonight

Good fuck

Who’s Anto Boyle?

It could kick off tonight around the spire area from 7pm…


Also a rumour going around that the fella who intervened was Brazilian.

Doesn’t matter. No one called Anto should be allowed on the National airwaves

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looks like some cops are sick of garda reynolds and going to gript instead

It’s like performance art shit journalism.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1727711277143802087|twgr^79750ac2d2e8b5e2739e85dd08b87bb7dbb02f8a|twcon^s1_&

Are there countries that dont allow much immigration and as a result have much lower levels of crime than others?

Jesus wept. Finished off with a blind side cheap shot .


Helen Mcentee is responsible for this

There were 69 homicides in Ireland in 2022 compared to 153 in 2006, so clearly immigration is making Ireland a much more dangerous place.

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