The Shame I feel about Dublin as my 🐐 capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)

Dublin will burn tonight, god help the guards

This incident will be a godsend to all the head bangers in Dublin. They’ll run riot tonight.

Are you actually serious? Jesus Christ, are we still at this head in the sand shit, nothing to see here guv?

In the year of our lord 2023, you are asking do countries that don’t partake in mass immigration from the third word have lower crime rates?

What about this, slide into google and look at the crime rates of some European countries prior to mass immigrantion and post same. Sweden should be a good starting point for you.

You’ll have every scumbag and toe rag in the inner city down there tonight.


Ah yeah but if they attack enough guards and foreigners that little child’s wounds will heal faster


“Guards out now”, chant the “law and order” brigade.

O’Connell St being closed to traffic now

I was advising 15 extremely posh English chaps in Dublin today drinking on a stag i hope there going to be ok :rofl:


So why is the homicide trend so clearly down over the last 17 years?

I was asking a genuine not at all rhetorical question. What about western countries with strict immigration laws. Are they faring better than Ireland? I’d be hoping the answer was no because I’m a lefty but am certainly open to having my mind changed.

They usually revert to soccer away day Hooligans after a few amstels anyway. This should be right up their alley.

These boys wouldn’t know a soccer ball if it hit them in a face.

The funny thing is those total scumbags will turn people away from discussing what probably is a genuine issue. Same thing happened over covid.

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Anybody identify the nationality of the man who disabled the attacker ?

Im not sure whats funny about the whole situation mate.

Funny peculiar

Various reports. Some say it was 2 women. An American and local woman. In all likelihood could have been a dozen people involved once people saw what was happening.

From what I can make out here there doesn’t seem to be any correlation with higher immigration and higher homicide rates. Seems to be the opposite if anything.

My source tells me it was a Brazilian man that done it.