The Shame I feel about Dublin as my šŸ capital (and other random cities in videos that Muldoons think is Dublin)


Itā€™s a very complicated issueā€¦ Itā€™s not as simple as lave em all in or close the borders. As usual, itā€™s somewhere in the middleā€¦ Iā€™m not buying this kumbaya lefty do gooder cant we all just get along bullshit tho.

A proper vetting system and better still a policing of that sick practice is needed. Ie anyone carrying that out is jailed.

That sadly isnt spoken about. A vile tradition.

Course you arenā€™t. Youā€™re a well reared irish male who has an opinion. Thatā€™s not allowed count for shit apparently

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Noā€¦ let them allÄŗ inā€¦ its fine

We were a proper country from 1990 - 2008. We conquered the whole worldā€¦

And rhenā€¦ a consquiteve shower of pussies

Some Dubs seem to be in denial about their city. The place I moved to way back in 2014 is not the same place I left this year. Itā€™s gone a long way downhill.

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There was a small poster warning about it in DUB but, alas, the sellotape holding it up gave up. Hopefully in next yearā€™s budget we can replace it. Thatā€™ll show em

None. Youā€™re missing the point of how it works on the continent.

I was having a conversation about this with someone yesterday. I feel thereā€™s a bit of a post colonial thing for the Irish Catholic in particular that they want to own their own property. Goes back to when they couldnā€™t own land. And itā€™s very understandable. Compare it with likes of Spain or even Germany where there are much higher rates of rentals.

But here, the thing seems to be that if you have a bit of land, you put as big a house as possible on it. I see it with cousins of mine. Six bedroom kinda shite. Theyā€™ve three kids. What do they fucking need six bedrooms for? Have space, will buildā€¦

Thereā€™s an aversion here to building high rise apartment blocks. Some people immediately equate that with council flats and so on. On another thread last night @The_Most_Infamous rightly pointed out that we are not a densely populated country. However, the reality is the majority of people want to live in large urban areas, especially Dublin.

Weā€™ve a different climate to Spain which means people here probably have to spend more time indoors, and perhaps thatā€™s their rationale for building big fuck off houses where they can hide from the wife in. But Iā€™d be in favour of much more building upwards but ensuring that good quality green and recreational spaces are part of any planning approved on that front.


Growing up in an urban & urbane environment in Wexford town before moving to a cosmopolitan melting pot like Dublin, Iā€™m always bemused when weā€™re in my life partnerā€™s neck of the woods in the rural townlands just outside CMX. Huge one-off dwellings dotted all around the backarse of nowhere, with 6 or 7 bedrooms as you mention. Bizarre muldoon carry on.


My father helped build a house for a neighbour. It took years to build. Seven (7) bedrooms. A fucking mansion. Two (2) kids.

Couple ended up divorced. Me man living in a mobile home at back of his fatherā€™s house until it all got sorted. Heā€™s now living in the mansion on his own.


I made this point a few weeks back.

These big one off houses in the middle of nowhere are doing more harm than good to rural Ireland.

Thereā€™s probably 25-30 new, one off houses gone up within a 2 mile radius of me in the last 10 years or so. And barely any of them farming. If these were instead built in an estate on the edge of the village it would mean a vibrant village with maybe still two pubs open and thriving and a humble corner shop in operation seven days a week.

Most importantly of all though, there might be beds/couches available in the village itself for lads to pass out on after a night out in the village. Instead of the current farcical situation where we see parents trying to pull their sons/daughters out of the pub at 11pm so they can go to bed themselves.


Any youngster who canā€™t make their own way home is a fierce bad reflection on their raising.

Any parent who has an issue with collecting their youngster are a fierce bad reflection on themselves

You overthink things

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Its not that simple.

I was part of a group of 6 lads who were very nearly killed by a milk lorry walking over two hours back from Doon Co. Limerick one balmy summers night in 2017 (long story, we werenā€™t even supposed to be in Doon and all our phones were dead)

Walking anything over 1-2 miles isnt really realistic.

And parents have enough to be doing than to be waiting up until 2am to collect their offspring. The whole rural transport system is an absolute shambles. Its nearly logistically easier to go off to Dublin or Killarney than to go out locally.

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Very nearly? Wow. Just, wow. Iā€™m surprised there wasnā€™t a monument erected to mark the spot

Get a fucking taxi or pick a fella to drive. Jesus, itā€™s not that fucking hard. Why do you snowflake cunts need to make everything so hard?

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Thereā€™s been plenty of estates built in rural villages amd towns over the past 20 or 30 years and pubs and shops still close down in them. Borrisoleigh and Templemore near me are two prime examples.


Weā€™ve all been in that situation


Next year is Doons year